Long after the introduction of the printing press in Ottoman lands, in 1830s journalistic activities emerged; and over time, periodical publications directly about Istanbul started to be issued. These publications introduced the history of the city, its everyday life, literature, folklore, as well as demography; in short, its culture that was formed over the centuries. Beginning with Salname-i Devlet-i Aliyye-i Osmaniyye (1846-1929) up until today on Istanbul hundreds of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual publications in the form of newspapers, magazines, or journals have been issued. However, although Istanbul comes first among the cities about which the greatest number of periodical publications are put forward, meticulous and comprehensive studies on this vast body of publications on the city are not carried out. Behind this shortage of research two important factors need to be taken into consideration: problems embedded in the working arrangements of libraries as well as the difficulty of determining for the periodicals that have missing material in the library collections the number of issues they were put forward.

Within this frame, the publications of local municipalities over the last fifteen years are noteworthy. Most of the local municipalities publish bulletins that introduce the activities they are enrolled in. However in this study, instead of these types of annual reports, research and studies that address changes in the history, cultural and social texture of Istanbul, that is, publications that are of primary significance for Istanbul are prioritized. Likewise, publications that have a considerable number and that contain the word Istanbul in their title but are not directly about the city are not treated in this study.


(Published between December 1922 and March 1928. Number of issues: 1605)

Following the collapse of the Ottoman State, the termination of the publication of the official state newspaper Takvim-i Vekayi, and Istanbul’s coming under the rule of the Ankara government this periodical began to be issued by the Istanbul Governorship. Several ordinances, regulations, announcements and advertisements which came from Ankara and were directly related to Istanbul were published in this new publication, the İstanbul Vilayet Gazetesi. In addition, the announcements and decrees by the directorates of health, police, social work and trade, as well as by the offices of the stock market, law enforcement, land registry, and courts were also published from time to time in this periodical. It was published daily, except for Fridays, and consisted of four, or sometimes six to eight pages. It also included some statutes regarding Rum, Armenian, Jewish and similar minority schools.


(Between September 1924 and November 1928, 50 issues; between December 1928 and March 1942, 199 issues; between 27 May, 1961 and June 1978, under the title Istanbul, 163 issues)

This journal was initially published monthly by the Istanbul Şehremaneti Neşriyat (Istanbul Municipality Publication) and İstatistik Müdüriyeti Şubesi (the office of the Directorate of Statistics). As of its 73rd issue it was issued under the title İstanbul Belediye Mecmuası; and its publication ceased between 1942 and 1961.

1a- <em>İstanbul Şehremaneti Mecmuası</em> (Istanbul Prefecture Journal) published in Arabic script

1b- <em>İstanbul Şehremaneti Mecmuası</em> (Istanbul Prefecture Journal)

The journal was managed by Osman Nuri Ergin (d. 1961) and Eşref Şefik Atabey (d. 1980), both notable for their publications on municipal works; the journal consisted of “scientific, medical, administrative and public works information” that was directly related to Istanbul. The goal was to introduce to Turkey the idea of local administration practiced in Western countries. Initially, legislation about municipality, some statistics, regulations regarding public works and housing, news about the city, traffic precepts, official correspondence as well as research and surveys directly related to the historical works in Istanbul were all published in the journal. A. Süheyl Ünver’s article “Mahya, Mahyacılık” (Mahya and the Vocation of the Art of Mahya) (1932) and research carried out by İbrahim Hakkı Konyalı published in İstanbul’un Kasırları, Hamamları ve Mezarlıkları (Istanbul’s Pavilions, Baths, and Cemeteries) (1933) are worthy of attention. The chapter dedicated to Istanbul in the memoires of the German traveler A. Kohler, who visited Turkey in 1930, was translated by Enver Şazi (1930) and the article by the engineer İbrahim Ostrova entitled Ayasofya were also included in the journal (1937). In the subsequent issues of the journal, Ostrova’s articles on the mosaics of a Byzantine palace that had been discovered during the excavations carried out around the Grand Bazaar in Sultanahmet were also published.

In the issues that were published after 1942, articles by Sermet Muhtar Alus and Rıza Çavdarlı about the İstanbul Mesireleri (Promenades of Istanbul) were included. The following two articles are also worthy of attention. One is an article by Sedat Çetintaş in which he argues that for the reconstruction of Istanbul some relics should be sacrificed, for example, the goldsmiths’ and silversmiths’ marketplace in Beyazıt. The other is that of İbrahim Ostrova about the Byzantine mosaics in Kariye Mosque.

Many articles in the journal that claim that at the time of Istanbul’s reconstruction, historical works, relics in various parts of the city cause difficulties for the ongoing the reconstruction activities catch one’s eyes. The series of articles by İbrahim Hakkı Konyalı, entitled Yeni Açılan Unkapanı ve Yenikapı Güzergahı (The Newly Opened Unkapanı and Yenikapı Route), emphasized that despite the expectation that many historical artifacts on Atatürk Avenue were to be restored and brought to light, to the contrary, after the opening of the aforementioned avenue, Kırkçeşme, Sekbanbaşı, İbrahim Ağa, Yahya Güzel, Voynuk Şücaettin, Elvan Çelebi mosques as well as Papasoğlu prayer room, Zeliha Hatun and Yusuf Ağa fountains, and Azebler Turkish bath were all demolished.

In the last issues of the journal before its publication was temporarily halted, articles on promenade areas in Istanbul and the Bosphorus by Sermet Muhtar Alus, Rıza Çavdarlı and Reşad Ekrem Koçu were published. The photographs that were published in almost every issue of the journal demonstrate the new arrangements that were carried out in the 1950s after the great expropriations in the city.

After the 1960 coup d’état, during the period that the Istanbul Municipality was managed by a military government, the articles were published under the direction of Rakım Ziyaoğlu; the journal now became a “salon magazine”, appealing mostly to the municipal staff. In this period, articles by Fehmi Ethem Karatay, Nurettin Oryan, Muin Tayanç and İbrahim Erseyrek, which were concerned with relics of Istanbul and Turkish stonemasonry, were occasionally published in the journal.

July 1966 onwards the journal regained its former identity with the research and review articles by Mehmet Kaplan, Faruk Kadri Timurtaş, Kerim Esmer, Ertan Ünal, Orhan Çinili, Tahir Karauğuz, Asım Sönmez and Yavuz Senemoğlu, and Baki Kesler. However, as of its hundredth issue forward it turned into a publication in which only municipal activities were discussed. After the publication of its one hundred and sixty second and one hundred sixty third issues, it was closed down (May-June 1978).


(October 1936-March 1938. Number of issues: 18)

This journal was published by Şirket-i Hayriyye (the city ferry company), and was initiated by the board chairman of the company, Necmettin Molla (Kocataş), in order to publicize and advertise the Bosphorus, and increase the number of passengers on the Bosphorus ferries. Managed by Yusuf Mardin, the grandson of Necmettin Kocataş, the journal throughout its publication included articles and poems about the history of the Bosphorus, its various neighborhoods, natural beauties, and main architectural works; in addition, the moonlight trips which in the past used to be carried out, the piers, promenade neighborhoods, spring waters of the city as well as the main restaurants were among the topics explored. It also from time to time incorporated articles on these topics from other publications. The periodical also published in its pages photographs, paintings and caricatures related to the Bosphorus. It can be seen via the writer cadre as well as published articles, poems, photographs and caricatures that an intellectual accumulation was gathered around the Bosphorus in this journal, which was mostly on literature and culture. In addition to the photographs that were published in the journal, satirical drawings about the Bosphorus by Cemal Nadir, a famous artist of the age, are catching attention.

2- Journal of <em>Fatih ve İstanbul</em>

From the beginning, the following names published their poems, articles and memoirs in the journal: Selahattin Güngör, Mehmet İzzet, Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel, Yahya Kemal, Yusuf Mardin, Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın, Mithat Cemal (Kuntay), Robert Walsh, Metin Nigâr, Peyami Safa, Sait Kaptan, Osman Şerafettin, Macit Gören, Mithat Bahari, Raşit Vecihi Sezen, Asaf Akant, Abidin Daver, M. Turhan Tan, Burhan Cahit Morkaya, Galip Ataç, İhsan Arif, Abidin M. Kısakürek, Nezihe Muhittin and Fikret Akdora.


(29 May, 1953-29 May 1954. Number of issues: 12)

This journal, published bimonthly by İstanbul Fethi Derneği, included academic articles that were directly related to Sultan Mehmed II, his reign, as well as on the history, art history, folklore and literature of Istanbul. The third to sixth issues and the seventh to twelfth issues of the journal were published in one volume.

3- Journal of <em>İstanbul Enstitüsü</em> (<em>Istanbul Institute</em>)

4- <em>Tarihî İstanbul</em> (Historic Istanbul)

The issues of the journal were voluminous and included research and studies about some of the operations of Sultan Mehmed II, various problems pertaining to his reign, and the literature of the period. As an academic publication, the intended audience of Fatih ve İstanbul was predominantly university circles.

Some of the notable articles published in the journal have the following titles: Rumeli Hisarı ve İstanbul’da İlk Osmanlı Kitâbesi (Rumeli Hisarı and the First Ottoman Epitaph in Istanbul) (Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi); Arnavutluk’ta Osmanlı Hâkimiyetinin Yerleşmesi ve İskender Bey İsyanının Menşei (The Establishment of the Ottoman Sovereignty in Albania and the Origin of İskender Beg Revolt) (Halil İnalcık); Fâtih Zamanında Tedrîs Beratları (The Certificates of Education during the Period of Mehmed II) (A. Süheyl Ünver); Fâtih Sultan Mehmed ve Onu Müteâkib Bâyezid ve Cem Adlarına Kesilen Sikkeler (The Coins Made on Behalf of Mehmed II the Conqueror and his Successors Bayezid and Cem) (İbrahim Artuk); Sekbanbaşı İbrahim Ağa Mescidi ve İstanbul’un Tarihî Topoğrafyası Hakkında Bir Not” (A Note on the Historical Topography of Istanbul and Sekbanbaşı İbrahim Ağa Mosque) (Semavi Eyice).


(Between 1955 and 1956. Number of issues: 5)

Initially, the İstanbul Enstitüsü Dergisi was published by İstanbul Fethi Derneği; later, it was published annually by the Istanbul Institute. The first three issues of the journal was managed by Ahmet Ateş, and the fourth and fifth ones by Nihad Sami Banarlı. The latter was published under the name İstanbul Enstitüsü Mecmuası.

5- Journal of <em>İstanbul</em>

All the articles published in the journal whose issues have a scholarly character are composed of research and reviews on the history, art history, folklore and literature of Istanbul as well as sections that introduce books written on Istanbul by local and foreign authors. Almost all the articles published in the journal are directly related to Istanbul, Sultan Mehmed II and the conquest of Constantinople. In some of the issues, articles by Western authors like Bernard Lewis, Paul Wittek, Marius Canard and Albert Gabriel who are prominent with their research and studies on Istanbul were also published. In addition to historical and academic articles, articles on literature were also included. Some important articles include the following titles: İbn Kemal’e Göre Fâtih’in İstanbul’u Muhasara ve Zaptı (Mehmed the Conqueror’s Siege and Conquest of Istanbul According to İbn Kemal) (Şehabettin Tekindağ); Fetih’ten Sonra İstanbul’da İlk Halvetî Şeyhleri: Çelebi Muhammed Cemalettin, Sünbül Sinan ve Merkez Efendi (The First Halwati Sheikhs of Istanbul After the Conquest: Çelebi Muhammed Cemalettin, Sünbül Sinan and Merkez Efendi) (Tahsin Yazıcı); İstanbul ve Bilâd-ı Selâse Denilen Eyüp, Galata ve Üsküdar Kadılıkları (The Qadi Offices in Istanbul and Eyüp, Galata and Üsküdar, Known as the Bilâd-ı Selâse) (İ. Hakkı Uzunçarşılı); Boğaziçi Yalılarına Dair (About the Waterside Mansions of the Bosphorus) (A. Şinasi Hisar); İstanbul’da XVIII. ve XIX. Asırlarda Sultanların Doğumlarında Yapılan Törenler ve Şenliklere Dair (On Rituals and Festivals Held for the Birth of Sultans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Istanbul) (Çağatay Uluçay); İstanbul Mîmârisinde Kuş Evleri (Birdhouses in the Architecture of Istanbul) (Malik Aksel); Rumeli Hisarı (The Rumeli Castle) (A. Gabriel; translated by Fehmi Karatay).


(1968. Number of Issues: 12)

Tarihi İstanbul was published as an appendix to the journal Yeni İstanbul. For the most part, the historical buildings in Istanbul and the social, political and natural events that took place throughout the long history of the city were included in the journal. The photographs and drawings of some historical artifacts such as mosques, madrasas, tekkes, palaces, yalıs, fountains, bridges, castles and tombs in various locations of the city as well as several revolts, revolutions, natural disasters, like earthquakes and fires, are examined under separate headings. Tarihi İstanbul, which was a popular publication, also included the following subjects: obelisks, towers, libraries, Ottoman sultans, pavilions and city walls.


(March 1992-July 2008. Number of issues: 64)

6- <em>Istanbul Armağanı</em> (The Gift of Istanbul)

7- <em>Istanbul Araştırmaları</em> (Istanbul Researches)

Having been published as one of the projects of the Tarih Vakfı, the journal included articles about the history, geography, art history, literature and folklore of Istanbul, its economic, cultural, sociologic and demographic structure, as well as some current issues like security, accommodation, immigration, tourism, entertainment, food and beverage, life-styles and traffic problems. In addition, some interviews and panel discussions were also published here. İstanbul was published quarterly with the partial support of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. In every issue of the journal, a special file was prepared on distinct problems of Istanbul; and the topics discussed in the written articles were enriched by new and old photographs, pictures, engravings, sketches and post cards. As was the case with most of this kind of journals, although there was a great amount of research and study about the history of the city, current issues were explored in the section entitled Gündem (Agenda); in the mini-discussions held within this context, the problems in question were discussed and solutions were proposed. Recently published books about Istanbul were also introduced in some of its issues; exhibition and concert news were included; interviews were carried out with the prominent local names of some neighborhoods; tour impression to some of the historical districts of the city as well as some structures identified with the city were introduced. The journal İstanbul, which contributed to the awakening of urban consciousness especially within intellectual circles, has the distinction of being one of the longest-lasting publications about Istanbul.

In various issues of the journal, research and survey by authors that are prominent in their fields and identified as Istanbul experts were included. Some of these names are: Semavi Eyice, Doğan Kuban, Afife Batur, Mübeccel Kıray, Turgut Cansever, Çelik Gülersoy, Mete Tapan, Murat Belge, İlber Ortaylı, Mete Tunçay, Cahit Kayra, Edhem Eldem, İlhan Tekeli, Eser Tutel, Zeynep Ahunbay, Gökhan Akçura, Necdet Sakaoğlu, Hasan Kuruyazıcı, Stefanos Yerasimos, Baha Tanman, Ekrem Işın, Zafer Toprak and Ünsal Oskay.

The journal İstanbul was published uninterrupted for a long period of sixteen years. The following articles that are directly related to Istanbul are noteworthy:

8- Journal of <em>1453 Istanbul Kültür ve Sanat</em>

Issue 1: İstanbullu Kim? (Who is an Istanbulite?); Issue 3: İstanbul’u Nasıl Hazırlamalı? İstanbul’u Nasıl Satmalı? (How Should Istanbul be Prepared? How Should Istanbul be Sold?); Issue 4: İstanbul’un Planlanması (The Planning of Istanbul); Issue 5: İstanbul Ütopyalar (Istanbul Utopias); Issue 7: Küreselleşme ve İstanbul (Globalization and Istanbul); Issue 8: İstanbul Nasıl Yönetilmeli? (How to Administer Istanbul?); Issue 9: İstanbul’un Yeşili, Mavisi (Istanbul’s Green and Blue); Issue 10: İstanbul’un Popüler Kültürü (Popular Culture of Istanbul); Issue 11: Yasadışı İstanbul (Illegal Istanbul); Issue 12: Bir Başka İstanbul (Another Istanbul); Issue 13: Tarihsel Kimliğe Saygı (Respect for the Historical Identity); Issue 16: Karda Kışta İstanbul (Istanbul in Snow and in Winter); Issue 17: İstanbul ve Habitat II (Istanbul and Habitat II); Issue 18: İstanbul ve Sinema (Istanbul and Cinema); Issue 19: Vapurlar (Ferries); Issue 20: Kozmopolit (Cosmopolite); Issue 21: Sahte İstanbul (Fake Istanbul); Issue 22: Çarşı-Pazar (Market and Bazaar); Issue 23: Öteki İstanbul (The Other Istanbul); Issue 24: Edebiyatta İstanbul (Istanbul in Literature); Issue 25: İstanbul’da Ahşap (Wood in Istanbul); Issue 26: Müze-Kent İstanbul (Istanbul the Museum-city); Issue 28: İstanbul’un Sokakları (The Streets of Istanbul); Issue 30: İstanbul’un Kokusu, Tadı (The Scent and Taste of Istanbul); Issue 31: İstanbul ve Deprem (Istanbul and Earthquakes); Issue 33: Kent-Üniversite (City-University); Issue 37: İstanbul’un Kapıları (The Gates of Istanbul); Issue 39: Boğaziçi (The Bosphorus); Issue 40: Mahalle (Neighborhoods); Issue 42: İstanbul’a Sivil Sahip Çıkış (A Civilian Protection of Istanbul); Issue 43: Eğlence Kültürü (The Culture of Entertainment); Issue 45: İstanbul ve Müzik (Istanbul and Music); Issue 47: Tadıyla Tuzuyla İstanbul (The Charms of Istanbul); Issue 48: İstanbul’un Sağlığı (Health of Istanbul); Issue 49: İstanbul İçin Turizm (Tourism for Istanbul); Issue 50: İstanbul ve Sanat (Istanbul and Art); Issue 51: Zaman İçinde İstanbul (Istanbul in Time); Issue 54: İstanbul’da Açık Hava Reklamcılığı (Outdoor Advertising in Istanbul); Issue 56: İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti (Istanbul, 2010 European Capital of Culture); Issue 57: Oteller (Hotels); Issue 60: Kentsel Taarruz (The Urban Assault); Issue 61: Şiddet, Açlık, Yoksunluk, Sürgün (Violence, Hunger, Deprivation, Exile); Issue 62: Kenti Eğlendirenlere Çapraz Bakış (A Different Perspective on City Entertainers); Issue 63: Kent Yoksulları, Barınma Hakkı ve Muhalefet (The Poor of the City, Housing Rights and the Opposition); Issue 64: İstanbula Veda (Farewell to Istanbul).


(1995 - 2000. Number of issues: 4)

İstanbul Armağanı was published by the Istanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür İşleri Daire Başkanlığı (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Cultural Affairs). Although it was introduced as a book, this publication consisted of autonomous academic research and studies on Istanbul’s history, art, language, literature, religious and social life, as well as culture that had come into existence in the city over the course of time.

The first volume of İstanbul Armağanı consisted of articles written about the conquest and Sultan Mehmed II, the second one about the “civilization of the Bosphorus”; the third one about “the colors of everyday life”, and the fourth one about the Tulip era.

The journal was edited by Mustafa Armağan, and it published the essays of writers renowned for their work on the history, fine arts, districts, architecture and the literature of Istanbul. These included the following names: Halil İnalcık, Semavi Eyice, Oktay Aslanapa, Turgut Cansever, Orhan Erdenen, Doğan Kuban, Metin And, Özdemir Nutku, Edhem Eldem, Ekmelettin İhsanoğlu, Nevra Necipoğlu, Ekrem Işın, İlber Ortaylı, Selçuk Mülayim, Halûk Dursun, Beşir Ayvazoğlu, E. Nedret İşli, Necdet İşli, İskender Pala and Necdet Sakaoğlu.


(Spring 1997 - summer 1998. Number of issues: 6)

Published by the Istanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi Kültür İşleri Daire Başkanlığı İstanbul Araştırmaları Merkezi (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Cultural Affairs, Istanbul Studies Center) this periodical is a pure scholarly publication that contained research and examination essays directly on the history, art, culture, social life, architectural works and literature of Istanbul. The articles in the journal were published under the main subtitles of Araştırmalar-Denemeler (Research-Essays), İstanbul’dan Simalar, (Personages of Istanbul), Pâyitaht’tan-Doğu’dan-Batı’dan, (From the Capital City- from the East and from the West) and İstanbul Kitaplığı ve Zeyl (Istanbul Corpus and Supplement). It can be seen that most of the research and examinations published in the journal consisted of articles written on the literature, art, music, neighborhood life and human relations that were formed in the city throughout ages and composed its cultural life. In terms of its content, the journal generally appealed to academic circles.

The articles of new generation of researchers were also published in the journal. Some of the notable and important articles published in the journal are as follows: İstanbul’un Tahribi ve Çöküşü İçinde Eyüp Sultan ve Geleceği (Eyüp Sultan and its Future within the Destruction and Collapse of Istanbul) (Turgut Cansever); İstanbul’da Kuşçuluk (Aviculture in Istanbull) (Selim Somçağ); İstanbul Muharriri Balıkhâne Nâzırı Ali Rıza Bey (The Author Ali Rıza Bey, Minister of Fisheries) (Ali Birinci); Bazı İslâm Yazarlarına Göre Fetih’ten Önce İstanbul (Istanbul before the Conquest according to Some Islamic Writers) (Semavi Eyice); Yenikapı Mevlevîhânesi’nin İki Vakfiyesi (Two Vakfiye of the Yenikapı Mevlevîhane) (Ekrem Işın); Yenikapı Mevlevîhânesi Şeyhi, Musikişinas Abdülbâki Nâsır Dede (The Sheikh of Yenikapı Mevlevihane, the Music Lover Abdülbaki Nasır Dede) (F. Adile Başer); İstanbul Nâzım Plan Raporu Hakkında Notlar (Notes on Istanbul City Planning Report) (Henri Prost); Kasap İlyas Mahallesi: İstanbul’un Bir Mahallesinin Sosyal ve Demografik Portresi: 1546-1885 (Kasap İlyas Neighborhood: The Social and Demographic Portrait of One of Istanbul’s Neighborhoods: 1546-1885) (Cem Behar); Bezmiâlem Vâlide Sultan’ın Hayatı ve Hayır Eserleri (The Life of Bezmialem Valide Sultan and Her Charities) (M. Hüdayi Şentürk); İstanbul Kadılığı Tarihçesi ve İstanbul Kadı Sicillerine Dair Tetkikler (History of the post of Qadi in Istanbul and Studies on the Istanbul Qadi Court Records) (Bilgin Aydın).


(October 1998-March 1999. Number of issues: 6)

Published on a monthly basis by İGDAŞ, the journal included articles, interviews, book reviews and photographs about the history, culture, literature, art history and everyday matters of Istanbul. Its sections included “Thought”, “City”, “Conversation”, “Heritage”, “Culture”, “Art”, “Memoir”, “Portrait”, “Analysis” and “Books”. In addition to Semavi Eyice, Mehmet Genç and Hüsrev Hatemi, the journal published articles mostly by young researchers. In the journal İstanbullu, the following articles on everyday life in Istanbul, cultural elements that turned the site into a city, as well as those about customs, practices and traditions are noteworthy: İki İmparatorluğun Başkenti (The Capital City of Two Empires) (Mehmet Genç); İstanbul Çeşmeleri (The Fountains of Istanbul) (Gül Batuş); İstanbul’a Has Müzik: Türk Musikisi (Music Unique to Istanbul: Turkish Music) (Eylem Gülbal); Boğaziçi Ressamları (Bosphorus Painters) (Ö. Faruk Şerifoğlu); Su Tiryakileri (Addicts to Water) (Gérard de Nerval); İstanbul’da Kahve İçme Âdâbı (The Etiquette of Coffee Drinking in Istanbul) (Mir Mahmut Rıza); Dört Asırlık Bir Gelenek: Mahyacılık (Mahyacılık – a Tradition of Four Centuries) (Sami Soykan); İstanbul Mevlevîhâneleri (Mevlevihanes in Istanbul) (Eylem Gülbal); Eski İstanbul Ramazanları (Old Istanbul Ramadans) (Necdet Sakaoğlu); Sahaflık ve Sahaflar (Second Hand Book Selling and Sellers) (Hidayet Nuhoğlu); Eski İstanbul Şarkıları (Old Istanbul Songs) (Bülent Çetinor); Boğaziçi’nde Edebiyat Edebiyatta Boğaziçi (Literature on the Bosphorus, the Bosphorus in Literature) (Mustafa Armağan); İstanbul Aksesuarları: Terlik, Mendil, Gülâbdan (Istanbul Accessories: Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Rose Water Flasks) (Edibe Sözen); Semtlere İsmini Veren İstanbul Camileri (Istanbul Mosques which Gave Districts their Names) (Fikret Özturna); Dünden Bugüne İstanbul’da Düğün Âdetleri (Wedding Practices in Istanbul from Past to Present) (Ali Kürek).


(January 2006-)

This journal is still being published by the Beyoğlu Municipality. Discussed in this publication are the neighborhoods of Beyoğlu, Galata, Tophane, Cihangir, Tarlabaşı, Tepebaşı and Kasımpaşa, as well as the main historical buildings of the area, museums, libraries, schools, embassies, restaurants, patisseries, entertainment venues and hotels. It also includes interviews with the prominent names as well as tradesmen of the districts. It is still being published and is a colorful illustrated publication that is composed predominantly of visual material. Among the introductory essays noteworthy are those on the following places: Galatasaray High School, İnci Patisserie, Çukurcuma, Hacı Abdullah Restaurant, Galata Mevlevihane, Fish Market, Tophane Fountain, Galata Tower, Pera Palas, Asmalımescit, Yeşilçam Street, Trolley Administration, Yeraltı Mosque, Arap Mosque, Markiz Patisserie, Doğançay Museum, Saint Benoit High School, Cihangir Mosque, Pera Museum, Tophane-i Amire, the Building of British Embassy and Avusturya High School. As for the interviews it is those conducted with Ara Güler, Selim İleri and Nezih Uzel.


(May 2007-)

Published quarterly, this illustrated journal is issued by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Culture Inc. It has a rich content including research on Istanbul’s history, art history, folklore and literature. Published bilingually in Turkish and English until twelfth issue, the journal covers one distinct subject in each issue. Each one of its issues is enriched with the interviews conducted with a prominent figure from the world of art and business as well as with the mayors of Istanbul’s sister cities. In the beginning in almost every issue organizations upheld about Istanbul, current events as well as recent publications pertaining to the city were covered. Moreover, a supplement, under the title “Istanbul City Guide” that introduces the main hotels, art galleries, libraries, theaters, cinemas, restaurants, hospitals and shopping malls of the city was also published.

Research and studies on the following topics were also published within the special sections of the journal: In issue 8, İstanbul’un Fethi (The Conquest of Istanbul), in issue 9, Osmanlı’da Deniz ve Denizcilik (Sea and Navigation in the Ottoman Empire), in issue 11, Mimar Sinan ve Süleymaniye (Mimar Sinan and Süleymaniye), in issue 12, Evliya Çelebi, in issue 13, Haritalarda Istanbul’u Keşfetmek (Discovering Istanbul in Maps), in issue 14, Dini ve Klasik Türk Musikisi (Religious and Classical Turkish Music), in issue 15, Balkan Savaşı’nın 100. Yıldönümü (100th Anniversary of the Balkan Wars).

The journal published articles by the following people, all of whom are well known in their field: Halil İnalcık, Oktay Aslanapa (d. April 2013), Semavi Eyice, İlber Ortaylı, Sadettin Ökten, İskender Pala, Halûk Dursun, E. Nedret İşli, Uğur Aktaş, Ömer Faruk Şerifoğlu and Etem Ruhi Üngör.

The following are some of the noteworthy articles by several older and younger generation of researchers published in the journal: Fâtih’in İtalya Politikasının Değerlendirilmesi: Türk Tarihçiliğinde Otranto (An Evaluation of Mehmed II the Conqueror’s Italian Policy: Otranto in Turkish Historiography) (İlber Ortaylı); Kadınlar Akademisi: Harem (Women’s Academy: Harem) (Nurten Ertul); İstanbul’a Vurulan Dinî Mühürler: Câmiler (The Religious Seals in Istanbul: Mosques) (Gönül Cantay); Eski İstanbul’da Külliye ve Dergâh (Külliye and Dergah in Old Istanbul) (Sadettin Ökten); Dolmabahçe’de Zaman (Time in Dolmabahçe) (Şule Gürbüz); İstanbul Bedestanı ve Kapalıçarşısı (The Covered and Grand Bazaar of Istanbul) (Halil İnalcık); Saraylarda Ehl-i Hıref’ten Sanâyie (From Craftsmanship in the Palaces to Industry) (Önder Küçükerman); Ayasofya Padişah Türbeleri: Sultan II. Selim’in Türbesi (The Tombs of Sultans in Ayasofya: The Tomb of Selim II) (Mustafa Akkaya-Z. Azize Su); İstanbul’da Şair Mezarları (The Graves of Poets in Istanbul) (Necdet İşli-Nedret İşli); Münif Paşa’nın İstanbul’da Minyatür Bir Devlet Parkı Projesi (Münif Pasha’s Project of Creating a Miniature State Park in Istanbul) (Ali Budak); İstanbul Kuşatmasında Donanmanın Rolü ve Gemilerin Karadan Yürütülmesi (The Role of the Navy during the Siege of Istanbul and the Rolling of the Ships Across the Land) (İdris Bostan); Fâtih ve Türk Kültürü-Medeniyet Tarihinde Fâtih Külliyesi (Fatih and Fatih Külliye in the History of Turkish Culture and Civilization) (Fevzi Günüç); Minyatür ve Gravürlerde Haliç Tersanesi (Golden Horn Shipyard in Miniatures and Engravings) (Burcu A. Uludaş); II. Abdülhamid ve Haliç’teki Zırhlı Gemiler (Abdülhamid II and the Armored Ships in the Golden Horn) (Şakir Batmaz); İstanbul ve Balıkçılık (Istanbul and Fishing) (Bayram Öztürk); Cebelitarık’tan İstanbul Boğazı’na Akdeniz’de Egemenlik Mücadelesi (The Struggle for Domination in the Mediterranean Sea from Gibraltar to the Bosphorus) (Özlem Kumrular); Süleymaniye’nin Şahsında Bir Medeniyet İnşası (The Construction of a Civilization in the Personage of Süleymaniye) (Hilmi Şenalp); Hasan Rıza’dan Zonaro’ya Fetih Tasvirleri (Depictions of the Conquest from Hasan Rıza to Zonaro) (Ö. Faruk Şerifoğlu); Son Saray Sanatçısı: Sevan Bıçakçı (The Last Artist of the Palace: Sevan Bıçakçı) (Hüseyin Sorgun); Saltanatlı Tekbîr’den Sehl-i Mümtenî Salât-ı Ümmiyye’ye Buhûrîzâde Mustafa Itrî Efendi (From the Sultanate’s Tekbir to the Sehl-i Mümtenî Salât-ı Ümmiyye – Buhûrîzâde Mustafa Itrî Efendi) (Mustafa Uzun); İstanbul Kültüründe Balkan Yemekleri (Balkan Dishes in the Culture of Istanbul) (Sennur Sezer).

In addition to the above, there are periodicals that are not directly about Istanbul but contained political, literary and academic essays. These are: Haftalık Resimli İstanbul (Istanbul Weekly Illustrated), (published between 21 June-6, December 1909); the daily intellectual and literary periodical Dersaadet (Istanbul) which included various articles, news, photographs and caricatures about Istanbul (published between July 8,-- 24 November 24 1920, in total 127 issues); the daily Payitaht (Capital), which reflected political events of the era as well as literary and cultural activities (published between 26 January--April 4 1921, in total 63 issues); İstanbul’da 15 Gün (15 Days in Istanbul), which introduced the museums, concerts, exhibitions, balls, tea parties and theaters in Istanbul, as well as recently published books (published between 1 and 15 February, 1932, in total 2 issues); Türk İstanbul (The Turkish Istanbul), which was published by the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul (prepared by Reşat Ekrem Koçu, May 1953, in total 52 issues and 40 articles); Holivut İstanbul Magazin (Holivut Istanbul Magazine), an illustrated magazine newspaper (published between March 15 1936 and 15 April15 1937, in total 43 issues); İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Haritası (Istanbul Culture and Art Map), a kind of guide book which includes the theater, cinema, exhibition, opera and ballet, concert, recital, tour and festival news in Istanbul, as well as book reviews and interviews (published between March 1994 and May 1995, in total 5 issues); Istanbul Life, an illustrated colorful magazine newspaper on Istanbul (published between June 1996 and September 1996, in total 4 issues); İstanbul Dosyası (Istanbul Dossier), which included articles directly related to Istanbul (July 1998, in total 1 issue).


Çınar, Ergun, İstanbul’un 100 Süreli Yayını, Istanbul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür A.Ş., 2010.

Eyice, Semavi, “İstanbul Şehremâneti Mecmuası”, DİA, vol. 23, 307-308.

İmamoğlu, Abdullah Taha, “İstanbul’un İlk Şehircilik Dergisi: İstanbul Şehremâneti Mecmuası ve Fihristi”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 16 (2010), pp. 631-672.

İstanbul, “İstanbul Enstitüsü Dergisi”, DBİst.A, vol. 4,, 221-222.

İşli, E. Nedret, “İlk Osmanlı Anonim Şirketi: Şirket-i Hayriye ve İlginç Neşriyatı”, Arkitekt, no. 411 (1994), pp. 58-63.

Koraltürk, Murat, “Bir Boğaziçili: Boğaziçi Mecmuası”, Istanbul, no. 39, pp (2001). 88-91.

Öztürk, Selahattin, “İstanbul İçin Yayımlanan Süreli Yayınlar Bibliyografyası”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 16 (2010), pp. 563-589.

Tekeli, İlhan, “İstanbul Dergisi 10 Yılda Ansiklopedik Bir Birikim Sağladı”, Istanbul, no. 41 (2002), pp. 43-45.

Toprak, Zafer, “Şehremaneti Mecmuası”, DBİst.A, vol. 7, 149.

This article was translated from Turkish version of History of Istanbul with some editions to be published in a digitalized form in 2019.