I. Müteferrika Press

1) Vankulu Lugatı, Arabic-Turkish dictionary prepared by Mehmed al-Vani, (d. 1529) known as Vankulu, from Cevheri’s well-known Arabic dictionary. It was published as two volumes on 31 January 1729, 500 copies.

2) Tuhfetü’l-kibâr fî esfâri’l-bihâr (Kâtib Çelebi’s work on Ottoman naval wars) includes 5 maps and images. On 29 May 1729, 1,000 copies were published.1

1- <em>Tarikh al-Sayyah dar Bayan al-Zuhur al-Aghwaniyan wa Sabab al-Inhidam al-Bina al-Dawlat al-Shahan al-Safawiyyan</em> published by Müteferrika Publishing House

3) Târîh-i Seyyâh der Beyân-ı Zuhûr-ı Ağvâniyân ve Sebeb-i İnhidâm-ı Binâ-i Devlet-i Şâhân-ı Safaviyân (The Afghan Invasion of Iran and the Reasons for the Downfall of Safavid Dynasty). Author J. T. Krusinski (d. 1756). Although the translator from Latin to Turkish seems to have been done by İbrahim Müteferrika, it has been asserted that it was translated by Krusinski himself. On 26 August 1729, 1,200 copies were published.

4) Târîhu’l-Hindi’l-garbî el-müsemmâ bi-Hadîsi nev (The History of Western India, the New World). The first illustrated work to be published, including 17 pictures, maps and table.2 On 5 April 1730, 500 copies were published.

2- <em>Tuhfat al-Kibar fi Asfar al-Bihar</em> published by Müteferrika Publishing House

3- <em>Grammarie turque, ou méthode courte & facili pour apprende la langue</em>

5) Acâibü’l-makdûr fî nevâîbi Timûr (The History of the Calamity of Timur). Translated into Turkish by Nazmizade Hüseyin Murteza (d. 1720) from İbn Arabşâh’s (d. 1450) Arabic work, relating the conquests of Timur. On 18 May 1730, 500 copies were published.

6) Târîhu’l-Mısri’l-cedîd ve kadîm (The History of Old and New Egypt). The history of Egypt from its earliest days to 1515 and from the Ottoman conquest to 1628/1629. Written by Ahmed bin Hemdem (d. 1632), known as Süheylî; 500 copies were published on 17 June 1730.

7) Gülşen-i Hulefâ (The Rose Garden of the Caliphs). The history of the Muslim dynasty from the time of the Abbasid caliphs to the Ottoman sultan, Ahmed III. 500 copies were published on 16 August 1730.

8) Grammaire turque ou méthode courte & facili pour apprende la langue turque (Turkish Grammar or the Shortest Path to Learn Turkish Easily). Prepared by Jean-Baptiste Holderman (d. 1730), 1000 copies of this book were published between March and November, 1730.

4- <em>Taqwim al-Tawarikh</em> published by Müteferrika Publishing House

5- <em>Tarikh al-Naima</em> published by Müteferrika Publishing House

9) Usûlü’l-hikem fî nizâmi’l-ümem (Rational Suggestions on the Nation’s Array). Written by İbrahim Müteferrika; 500 copies of this work was published on February 1732.

10) Füyûzât-ı Mıknatisiyye (The Benefits of the Compass). 500 copies were published on 27th of February, 1732. A picture of the compass was included in the book.

11) Cihannümâ (Observer of the World). On 3 July, 1732, 500 copies of this work were published by Kâtib Çelebi. Holding a special place in the Müteferrika publications, this work presents 52 maps and images, and 40 tables that were later colored by hand.3

6- The early state of Selimiye Barracks which was built by Sultan Selim III and near which there was Üsküdar Publishing House

7- The binding cover of <em>Atlas-ı Kebir Tercemesi</em> published by Üsküdar Publishing House

12) Takvîmü’t-tevârîh (The Almanac of Histories). 500 copies of this work by Kâtib Çelebi were published on 14 June 1733.

13) Târîh-i Naîmâ. Ravzatü’l-Hüseyin fî hulâsati ahbâri’l-hâfikeyn (The History of Mustafa Naîma (d.1716)). 500 copies of this work, which consisted of two volumes and was concerned with events between 1574 and 1655, were published in October 1734.

14) Râşid Târihi (The History of Mehmed Raşid Efendi (d. 1735)). This work recounts the events between 1660 and 1721/1722. On 17 February 1741, 500 copies were published in two volumes.

15) Çelebizâde Târihi (The History of Küçükçelebizade İsmail Asım Efendi (d. 1760)). This work includes events between 1722 and 1727/1728. 500 copies were published on 17 February 1741.

8- One of the maps found in <em>Atlas-ı Kebir Tercemesi</em> published by Üsküdar Publishing House

9- <em>Hallu Asrar al-Ahyar ‘ala I‘rab Izhar al-Asrar</em> published by Üsküdar Publishing House

16) Ahvâl-i Gazavât der Diyâr-ı Bosna (The Case of the Battles of Bosnia). 500 copies of this work by Qadi Ömer Efendi from Bosnia, which is about the battles along the Bosnian front during the Austro-Turkish War (1736-1739), was published on 19 March, 1741. Bosna Tarihi (The History of Bosnia) was the best-selling work published by Müteferrika.

17) Ferheng-i Şuûrî: Lisânü’l-Acem (The Persian Dictionary of Hasan Şuûrî (d. 1693-94). It was the last book of the Müteferrika Press. 500 copies were published on 1 September 1742.

II. Raşid Efendi Press

1) Târîh-i Sâmi ve Şâkir ve Subhî. Published in H. 1198 (1783-1784).

2) Târîh-i İzzî. Published in H. 1199 (1784-1785).

3) İ‘râbü’l-Kâfiye. A book of Arabic grammar, prepared by Güzelhisârî Zeynîzade Hüseyin b. Ahmed, based on İbn Hacîb’s work, el-Kâfiye. In H. 1200 (1785-1786), this work was published in two volumes Arabic.

4) Muhâsara-yı Kıla‘, 1792.

5) Fenn-i Lağım, 1793.

6) Usûl-i Harbiyye, 1794.

III. Mühendishane Press

1) 1797. Mehâh-i Miyâh (A Treatise on Water). Compiled by Âşirefendizade Derviş Mehmed Hafid, this pamphlet describes the water and fountains in Istanbul. At the beginning of the work three different forewords were included. According to J. Von Hammer’s account in 1830, this book was rare, and unavailable in bookstores. The book consists of 14 folios. An illustration of a water table was placed on the postscript of the eleventh page. This was the first book published at the Mühendishane Press.

2) H. 1212 (1798). Logaritma Cetveli (Logarithmic Table). 271 pages. Although the date and place of publication is not mentioned, it can be understood from a related document that this work, described as Ensâb-ı Cîb ve Zil Cedveli, was published on the last day of Şaban 1212 (H.) /18.2.1798.4 It is probable that the Table 3 and Table 4, although the date of publication is not certain, could have been published within the same year [Table].

3) H. 1212 (1798). Humbara Cetveli (A Table of Grenades). 273 pages. The date and place of publication is not mentioned [Table].

4) H. 1212 (1798). Tûl-i Arz Cetveli (A Table of Longitudes and Latidues). The date and place of publication is not mentioned. 151 pages [Table].

5) H. 1212 (1797-1798). Usûl-i Hendese. Öklides Hendesesi (Principles of Geometry, Euclidian Geometry), translated from John Bonnycastle’s work by Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi, second in charge of the Mühendishane, and Mühendis Selim, (see the preface to the book, p. 5) who was an English convert. The date of publication is not mentioned, but the official license given for publication is dated (H.) 6 Jumada al-awwal 1212.5 The thirteenth page of the book includes images. 272 pages. [Geometry].

6) H. 1213 (1798). Tableau des Nouveaux Reglements de l’Empire Ottoman. A work by Mahmud Raif Efendi, including a summary of laws regarding practices in Nizam-ı Cedid reforms of Sultan Selim III. The original Turkish version of the text was prepared by Mahmud Raif Efendi, but the French version of the text was prepared by another individual.6 60 pages, including 36 engravings and 27 tables. 200 copies were published. [The Summaries of the Nizam-ı Cedid Laws].

7) H. 1213 (1798-1799). Tuhfe-i Vehbî. A small Persian-Turkish dictionary, which was prepared by Sünbülzade Vehbî with reference to Şâhidî’s work on this matter and which was written in verse. 55 pages, first edition. [Dictionary].

8) H. 1213 (1798-1799). Evrak. Propaganda leaflets in Greek. This was the Nasîhatnâme Varakları (Leaflets of Advice), published during the joint Russo-Ottoman campaign organized as part of the alliance with Russia in order to recapture the former Venetian Islands, which had been invaded by France; the work was intended to win the Greeks in the area over to the side of the Ottoman State. 400 items. [Proclamation].

9) H. 11 Ramadan 1213 (16.2.1799). Evrak. Propaganda Leaflets in French. After the former Venetian islands had been recaptured from the French, these leaflets were prepared and sent to Egypt to demoralize the French soldiers in Egypt. [Proclamation].

10) H. 23 Rabi’al-awwal 1214 (25.8.1799). Kitâb-ı Tibyân-ı Nâfî Terceme-i Burhân-ı Kâtı. A dictionary edited by Hüseyin b. Halefî-i Tebrizî, with reference to approximately fifty Persian dictionaries. It includes 21,004 words and was translated by Mütercim (translator) Ahmed Asım. 863 pages [Dictionary].

11) H. 27 Muharram 1215 (20 June 1800). Tuhfetü’l-manzûmeti’d-dürriye fî lugati’l-Fârsiyye ve’d-Deriyye. A commentary on Tuhfe-i Vehbî. This is Ahmet Hayatî’s commentary on Tuhfe-i Vehbî, which had been completed in 1791; the commentary was published nine years after the original work. It is a dictionary, but written in verse. It is stated in the introduction of the book that the work was published after Burhân-ı Kâtı. 503 pages, [Dictionary].

12) H. 1-10 Shawwal 1215 (February 1801). Evrak. Proclamations prepared in Arabic and in Turkish, demanding that the Egyptians help in a military operation, which was being carried out in cooperation with the English to save Egypt from the French invasion. [Declaration]

13) H. 20-30 Shawwal 1215 (March 1801). Telhîsü’l-eşkâl. This work by Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi, second in charge of the Mühendishane, was concerned with the science of sapping and mining. It was published again in 1220/1805-1806 as a textbook. 100 copies. 60 pages, 7 tables. First edition (Science of sapping)

14) H. 29 Muharram 1216 (11.6.1801). Kitâb-ı Lehcetü’l-lugat. Prepared by the sheikh al-Islam Mehmed Esad Efendi, this dictionary gives the Arabic and Persian meanings of Turkish words. 851 pages, 1,000 copies were published. [Dictionary]

15) H. 1216 (1801-1802). The month of publication is not mentioned. Sübha-i Sıbyân. A small dictionary of Arabic-Turkish prepared for children. There is no consensus on the author. It was also called Mahmûdiyye. 33 pages, First edition [Dictionary].

16) (1801-1802). Kitâb-ı Öklides (Book of Euclides). Nasîruddin Tusî, Arabic, 222 pages. The date and place of publication is not mentioned. The first edition of the work was published in the Medici Press, Rome, in 1594.7 Based upon a document dated H. 1217, it can be understood that a translation into Turkish was also being considered.8 [Geometry]

17) H. 1216-1217 (1802). Tarif de Douane que les négocians de Sa Majeste lʼempereur de toutes les Russies doivent payer dans les etats de le Sublime Porte, sur les marchandises d’importation et d’exportation, traduit et mis en ordre alphabétaire. Prepared in French by Antoin Fanton, the interpreter for the Russian Embassy in Istanbul, this work, a “Customs Tariffs”, had been agreed upon by Russia and the Ottoman State. The list of goods to be imported and exported is presented. 53 pages. The only work of this genre published at the Mühendishane Press. [Customs Tariff].

18) 9. Rabi’al-thani 1217 (9.8.1802). İmtihânü’l-mühendisîn (Examination of Engineers). This pamphlet, compiled and translated from English by Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi, an instructor at the Mühendishane, was first published in 40 copies. In 1220 (1805-1806), 100 copies were published as a course book. There are 7 tables at the end of the work. 115 pages. [Geometry].

19 H. 1-10 Rabi’al-thani 1217 (August 1802). Terceme-i Sıhâh-ı Cevherî (Vankulu Lugatı). Vankulu Dictionary. An Arabic-Turkish dictionary translated by Mehmed b. Mustafa el-Vanî, known as Vankulu, based on the work of İmâm Ebu Nasr İsmail b. Hammâd el-Cevherî’. One volume. 650 pages. Published in 800 copies. [Dictionary]

IV. The Üsküdar Press

1) 1218 (1803): Diatribe de l’ingénieur Mustafa sur l’État actuel de l’art militaire du génie et des sciences à Constantinople. This work is a booklet prepared by one of the first students from the Military Engineering School for the Army (Mühendishane-i Berrî), Seyyid Mustafa; here he presents the Nizam-ı Cedid reforms and demonstrates his enthusiasm for positive sciences. 33 pages. Reprinted for a second time along with the facsimile original Turkish text found by the author of this article in the Topkapı Palace Library in 1987.9

2) H. Jumada al-thani. 1218 (September 1803): Risâle-i Birgivî. This work by Mehmed b. Pîr Ali Birgivî (d. 1573) was concerned with Islamic theology and was published based on the copy in the Topkapı Palace Library. The first book on religion published by the Üsküdar Press. 86 pages. First edition. [Religion].

3) H. 1218 (March 1803): Atlas-ı Kebîr Tercemesi (Translation of Atlas Major). This work has the highest artistic value and cost of any published at the Üsküdar Press. The author of the original work was William Faden and it was translated from the English by Resmî Mustafa Aga. 24 maps are included. The bill of account showing the costs of publication is dated June, 1803. In accordance with a request by Selim III, Mahmud Raif Efendi’s later work Ucâletü’l-coğrafiyye (see, no. 5) was included at the beginning of the book and the two books were bound together.10 [Atlas].

4) H. Jamada al-awwal 1218 (September 1803): Hallü esrâri’l-ahyâr alâ i‘râbi İzhâri’l-esrâr (Mu‘ribü’l-İzhâr). An elucidation of İzhârü’l-esrâr, Birgivî’s book on Arabic grammar and syntax; this was written by Güzelhisârî Zeynîzade Hüseyin b. Ahmed. 326 pages, first edition. [Grammar]

5) H. Sha’aban 1219 (November 1804): Ucâletü’l-coğrafiyye. Mahmud Raif Efendi prepared this book in French. Selim III approved of this work and as a result it was translated into Turkish by the Ottoman charge d’affaires at Vienna, Yakovaki Efendi. 50 copies were published and bound with the Atlas-ı Kebîr (see no. 3). According to a statement by Vâsıf Efendi, the author of the introduction, the translation had been reviewed by himself and by the author. 79 pages. [Geography].

6) 1219 (1804): Tuhfe-i Vehbî. A small Persian-Turkish dictionary written in verse and prepared by Sünbülzade Vehbi, based on a related work by Şâhidî. Second edition. 65 pages. The first edition had been published at the Mühendishane Press, in H. 1213 (1798-1799). [Dictionary]

7) H. Ramadan 1219 (December 1804): Şurûtü’s-salât. Prayer book for children. The author is not known. 23 pages. First edition. [Religion]

8) H. Rabi’ al-awwal 1219 (June 1804): Cevhere-i Behiyye-i Ahmediyye fî Şerhi’l-Vasiyyeti’l-Muhammediyye. Kadızade Ahmed b. Mehmed Emin Efendi’s elucidation on Birgivî Risâlesi. 2+315 pages. First edition. [Religion]

9) H. Sha’aban 1219 (November 1804): Mehâsinü’l-âsâr ve hakâiku’l-ahbâr. The chronicle of Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi, including the years between 1752 and 1774. Published in two volumes. The first volume consisted of 327 pages and the second volume of 325 pages. [History]

10) H. Shawwal 1219 (January 1805): Netâyicü’l-efkâr alâ İzhâri’l-esrâr. The author is Mustafa b. Hamza. 268 pages. Arabic, first edition. [Grammar]

11) H. 1220 (1805-1806): Usûl-i Hendese ve Müsellesât. Öklides Hendesesi, translated by Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi from John Bonnycastle’s work; Hüseyin Rıfkı Egendi was second in charge of the Mühendishane. He did the translation with Mühendis Selim, an English convert. 100 copies were published in order to be used as a course book in the Mühendishane. Second edition. The first edition was published in the Mühendishane Press, in 1212 (1797-1798). [Geometry]

12) 1220 (1805-1806): Telhîsü’l-eşkâl (Fenn-i Lağım Risâlesi). A course book compiled by one of the instructors at the Mühendishane, Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi. Second edition. 100 copies were published. 60 pages, 7 tables. The first edition was published at the Mühendishane Press, in 1215 (1801) [Fenn-i harb]

13) H. 1220 (1805-1806): Mecmûatü’l-mühendisîn (a Compilation for Engineers). Compiled by one of the instructors at the Mühendishane, Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi. 100 copies were published to be used at the Mühendishane as a course book. There are 15 tables in the book. Also, there are various tables within the main text. There is a table of Zevâya-yı musattıha [Linear pair of angles] (pp. 115-119), tables comparing the Parisian and London libre (pound) with the Islamic kıyye (p.165-166), a table of Mesâha-yı kıta‛ât [land surveying] (p. 206-209), tables of ecsâm-ı salîbe (p. 244-245), some tables regarding the modeling and founding of the artillery (s. 269-271) and table of gunstock (p. 288-289). 293 pages. [Geometry]

14) H. 1220 (1805-1806): Müsellesât Risâlesi (Treatise on Triangles). 100 copies of this work by Gelenbevî İsmâil Efendi were published to be used in the Mühendishane as a course book. 79 pages. [Geometry]

15) H. 1220 (1805-1806): İmtihânü’l-mühendisîn. This booklet was edited and translated by Hüseyin Rıfkı Efendi to be used as a course book. A second edition was published. 100 copies. 40 copies of the first edition were published at the Mühendishane Press, in 1217/1802. 115 pages. [Geometry]

16) H. Muharram 1220 (April 1805): Tuhfetü’l-ihvân alâ Avâmili’l-Birgivî. An elucidation of Birgivî’s Avâmil, prepared by Sheikh Mustafa b. İbrâhim. 88 pages. It was simultaneously published and bound with the Mu‘ribü’l Avâmil (see, no. 17) [Grammar].

17) H. Muharram 1220 (July 1805): Ta‘lîku’l-favâzıl alâ İ‘râbi’l-Avâmil (Şerh-i Avâmil-i Cedîd-i Birgivî/Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil). Prepared by Zeynîzade Hüseyin b. Ahmed, this work is an elucidation on Birgivî’s Avâmil, an Arabic work on syntax. 118 pages. It was simultaneously published and bound together with Tuhfetü’l-ihvân (see no. 16). [Grammar]

18) H. Rabi’ al-thani 1220 (July 1805): Ferâidü’l-fevâid fî beyâni’l-akâid (Amentü Şerhi) (An Elucidation of Creed). This is a work by Kadızade Ahmed b. Mehmed Emin Efendi, the father of Abdurrahim Muhib Efendi. It was dedicated to the sister of Selim III, Hatice Sultan. 298 pages. [Religion]

19) H. Jumada al-thani 1220 (September 1805): Risâle-i Birgivî. Second edition (see. no. 2). 99 pages. [Religion].

20) H. 1220 (1805): Nuhbe-i Vehbî. 123 pages.

21) H. Jumada al-thani 1221 (August 1806): ed-Dürerü’l-müntehabâti’l-mensûre fî ıslâhi’l-galati’l-meşhûre. This work by Müftizade Mustafa Âşir Efendizade Derviş Hafid is about misused words and adopted words. At the beginning of the work, the names and the authors of works related to this issue are given. 534 pages. [Grammar]

22) H. Dhu al-Hijjah 1221 (February 1807): el-Burhân (maa hâşiye). Gelenbevî İsmâil Efendi’s work on logic. Published together with an appendix. (see no. 23) The date and place of publication appear on the last page of Haşiye (apostil). [Logic]

23) H. Dhu al-Hijjah 1221 (February 1807): Hâşiyetü’l-Burhân. Gelenbevî’s work on logic. 74 pages. Published with Burhan (see no. 22) [Logic]

24) H. Rabi’ al-awwal 1223 (April 1808): Cevhere-i Behiyye-i Ahmediyye fî Şerhi’l-Vasiyyeti’l-Muhammediyye. 340 pages. Second edition (see no. 8). [Religion]

25) H. Muharram 1223 (March 1808): Ferâidü’l-fevâid fî beyâni’l-akâid (Amentü Şerhi) An Elucidation of Creed) 2+321 pages. Second edition (see no. 18). [Religion].

26) H. Ramadan 1223 (November 1808): Fevâidü’ş-Şâfiye alâ İ‘râbi’l-Kâfiye. The author is Zeynîzâde Hüseyin. 4+528 pages. Arabic. [Grammar]

27) H. 1223 (1808-1809): Tuhfe-i Vehbî. 60 pages. Third edition. For the second edition, see number 6. The first edition was published in the Mühendishane Press in 1213 (1798-1799). [Dictionary]

28) H. Muharram 1224 (March 1809): Sübha-i Sıbyân. A small Arabic-Turkish dictionary, prepared for children. 33 pages. Second edition. The first edition was published in the Mühendishane Press, in 1216 (1801-1802). [Dictionary]

29) H. 1224 (1809-1810): Hallü esrâri’l-ahyâr alâ i‘râbi İzhâri’l-esrâr (Mu‘ribü’l-İzhâr). 385 pages. Second edition (see no. 4). [Grammar].

30) H. Rabi’ al-thani 1224 (May 1809): Kitâbü’l-Muharrem fî Hâşiyei Câmî. The appendix is written by Mollâ Cami on İbn Hâcib’s work Kâfiye. 757 pages. [Grammar]

31) H. 1225 (1810): Cevhere-i Behiyye-i Ahmediyye fî Şerhi’l-Vasiyyeti’l-Muhammediyye. 352 pages. Third edition (see no. 8, 24). [Religion]

32) H. Muharram 1226 (April 1811): Tuhfetü’l-ihvân alâ Avâmili’l-Birgivî. Published and bound with Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil. (see no. 33) 98 pages. Second edition (see no. 16) [Grammar]

33) H. Jumada al-thani 1226 (April 1811): Ta‘lîku’l-fevâzıl alâ i‘râbi’l-Avâmil (Şerh-i Avâmil-i Cedîd-i Birgivî/Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil). Published and bound together with Tuhfetü’l-ihvân (see no. 32) 128 pages. Second edition (see no. 17). [Grammar]

34) H. Rajab 1227 (July 1812): Hâşiyetü’s-Siyâlkûtî alâ’l-Mutavvel. An appendix written by Abdülhakim b. Şemseddin es-Siyâlkûtî on Ahmed b. Yahya el-Taftazani’s work al-Mutawwal, written as a commentary on Telhîs-i Kazvînî. 663 pages. [Rhetoric]

35) H. Jumada al-thani 1228 (June 1813): Hallü esrâri’l-ahyâr alâ i‘râbi İzhâri’l-esrâr (Mu‘ribü’l-İzhâr). 328 pages. Third edition (see numbers 4 and 29). [Grammar].

36) H. Muharram 1229 (January 1814): Cevhere-i Behiyye-i Ahmediyye fî Şerhi’l-Vasiyyeti’l-Muhammediyye. 314 pages. Fourth edition (see numbers 8, 24 and 31). [Religion]

37) H. Dhu al-Hijjah 1230 (November 1815): el-Okyânûsü’l-basît fî Tercemeti’l-Kâmûsi’l-muhît. An Arabic dictionary by Tahir Muhammed b. Yakub Firuzâbâdî. Translated with additions into Turkish by Mütercim Asım. Three volumes. The first volume consists of 943 pages. The date of publication is November 1815. The second volume consists of 939 pages. The date of publication is November 1816. The third volume consists of 973 pages. The date of publication is 1818. 500 of each three volumes were published. [Dictionary]

38) H. Ramadan 1231 (August 1816): Ta‘lîku’l-fevâzıl alâ i‘râbi’l-Avâmil (Şerh-i Avâmil-i Cedîd-i Birgivî/Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil). 102 pages. Third edition (see numbers 17 and 33). Published and bound together with Tuhfetü’l-ihvân (see no. 39) [Grammar]

39) H. Ramadan 1231 (August 1816): Tuhfetü’l-ihvân. 79 pages. Third edition (see numbers 18 and 32). Published and bound together with Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil (see no. 38). [Grammar]

40) H. Dhu al-Hijjah 1231 (November 1816): el-Okyânûsü’l-basît fî Tercemeti’l-Kâmûsi’l-muhit. Second volume of the work (see no. 37). [Dictionary]

41) 1232 (1817): Tuhfe-i Vehbî. 65 pages. Fourth edition (see numbers 6 and 27). [Dictionary]

42) H. 1232 (1817): Cevhere-i Behiyye-i Ahmediyye fî Şerhi’l-Vasiyyeti’l-Muhammediyye. 288 pages. Fifth edition (see numbers 8, 24, 31 and 36). [Religion].

43) H. Jumada al-thani 1223 (March-April 1817): Ferâidü’l-fevâid fî beyâni’l-akâid (Amentü Şerhi) (An Elucidation of Creed). 278 pages. Third edition (see numbers 18 and 25). [Religion]

44) H. Jumada al-awwal 1232 (March 1817): Nehcetü’l-menâsik. This work is on the pilgrimage of Derviş el-Hâc Mehmed Edîb b. Mehmed in 1193/1779. 255 pages. In fourteen independently numbered pages, the pamphlet known as Tertîb-i Eczâ, written by Mustafa Reşid and Hekimbaşı Mustafa Behçet Efendi, appears; it is placed at the end of the book. It was intended to help pilgrims treat illnesses when making the pilgrimage. [Pilgirmage]

45) H. Jumada al-awwal 1232 (March 1817): Tertîb-i Eczâ. Mülellifi Mustafa Reşid and Hekimbaşı Mustafa Behçet (see no. 44). [Medicine].

46) H. Muharram 1233 (March 1817): el-Okyânûsü’l-basît fî Tercemeti’l-Kâmûsi’l-muhit. The third volume of the book (see no. 37). [Dictionary].

47) H. Muharram 1233 (November 1817): Netâyicü’l-efkâr alâ İzhâri’l-esrâr. 2,267 pages. Second edition (see no. 10). [Grammar].

48) H. Jumada al-awwal 1233 (March 1818): Sarf Cümlesi. Five pamphlets regarding Arabic grammar (syntax/morphology) compiled for Arabic courses given at schools. 119 pages. Contents: 1) by Ahmed b. Ali b. Mes’ud, Merâhu’l-ervâh. About word formation. 43 pages. 2) İzzî, by Şeyh İzzeddin Ebil-Fazâ’il Abdulvehhâb İmâdeddin b. İbrâhim es-Sencârî (d. 1257). pp. 44-59. 3) Maksûd. Although the author is not known, it has been attributed to İmâm-ı ekber Yusuf Hanefî. On the classification of verbs. pp. 60-77. 4) Binâ. On the origins of verbs. The author is not known. P. 78-87. 5) Emsile. On verb inflection. Numbered independently, pp. 1-32. [Grammar].

49) H. Shawwal 1233 (August 1818): Hâşiyetü’l-Gelenbevî. An appendix written by Gelenbevî on the commentary of Akâid-i Adudiyye, which had been written by Celâleddin ed-Devânî. 657 pages. [Religion].

50) H. 1233 (1818): Sübha-i Sıbyân. 33 pages. Third edition (see no. 28). [Dictionary].

51) H. 1233 (1818): Hallü esrâri’l-ahyâr alâ i‘râbi İzhâri’l-esrâr (Mu‘ribü’l-İzhâr). 351 pages. Fourth edition (see numbers 4, 29 and 35). [Grammar].

52) H. Muharram 1234 (November 1818): Ta‘lîku’l-fevâzıl alâ i‘râbi’l-Avâmil (Şerh-i Avâmil-i Cedîd-i Birgivî/Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil). 98 pages. Fourth edition. (see numbers 17, 33 and 38). Published and bound with Tuhfetü’l-ihvân (see no. 53). [Grammar].

53) H. Muharram 1234 (November 1818): Tuhfetü’l-ihvân. 75 pages. Fourth edition (see numbers 18, 32 and 39). Published and bound with Mu‛ribü’l-avâmil (see no. 52). [Grammar].

54) H. Shawwal 1234 (August 1819): Ta‘lîkâtü’l-Gelenbevî alâ Mîri’l-âdâ by Mîr Ebu Feth es-Sâ‛idî (d. 1543). An exposition by Gelenbevi, attached to the work by the author of Mîrü’l-âdâ in 1755. 609 pages. [Rhetoric].

55) H. Shawwal 1234 (August 1819): Ta‘likâtü’l-Gelenbevî alâ Mîri’t-tehzîb by Ebu Feth es-Sâ‛idî (d. 1543) An exposition attached to the appendix written by Gelenbevi for Mîrü’t-tezhîb. 524 pages. [Rhetoric].

56) H. Jumada al-thani 1234 (April 1819): Nahiv Cümlesi. An Arabic grammar that includes three pamphlets for Arabic courses given at schools (syntax). 72 pages. Contents: 1) From İbn Hâcib, Kâfiye, p. 1-30. 2) From Birgivî, İzhârü’l-esrâr.p. 34-64. 3) From Birgivî, Avâmil-i Cedîd. p. 66-72. [Grammar].

57) H. Rabi’ al-thani 1235 (January 1820): el-Fevâidü’z-ziyâiyye. Written by Mollâ Camii (Nureddin Abdurrahman b. Ahmed b. Muhammed). 302+8+2 pages. An elucidation of Kâfiye. [Grammar].

58) H. Rajab 1235 (April 1820): Mir’âtü’l-ebdân fî teşrîhi a‘zâi’l-insân (Kütüb-i Selâse mine’l-Hamse-i Şânîzâde). Two volumes. The first volume consists of 131 pages. The second volume consists of 283 pages. It includes 56 tables. 800 copies were published, 400 of each volume. [Medicine].

59) H. 1235 (1820): Fevâidü’ş-şâfiye alâ i‘râbi’l-Kâfiye. Second edition (see no. 26). [Grammar].

60) H. Ramadan 1235 (June 1820: Ta‘lîkâtü Abdilhakîm el-meşhûr bi-Siyâlkûtî ale’l-hâşiye li’l-Mollâ el-Hayâlî alâ Şerhi’l-akâidi’n-Nesefiyye. An appendix written by Mollâ Hayâlî for the commentary on Taftazânî, written for Ömer Nesefî’s Aka‛id and the exposition to this, written by Abdülhakim b. Şemseddin Hindîyü’l-Siyalkûtî. Arabic. 392 pages. [Religion].

61) H. Dhu al-Quidah 1235 (August-September 1820): Ta‘lîkâtü Dürri’n-nâcî bi-Îsâgocî. Completed by Tokatlı es-Seyyid Ömer Salih in 1210/1795, this is an appendix to the commentary of a translation by Esireddin b. Ömer el-Ebherî (d. 1300) of the work by Porphyrius. 183 pages. [Logic].

62) H. Jumada al-thani 1236 (February 1821): Reşehât-ı Aynü’l-hayât. A book narrating the life stories of leading figures of the Nakşibendî order, written by Mevlâna Ali b. Hüseyin in 1503. It was translated into Turkish by Mehmed b. Şerîf b. Abdülganî el-Abbâsî (d. 1593) from the Persian original in 1584. 654 pages. [Religion/Biyography].

63) H. Jumada al-awwal 1237 (February 1822): Tuhfetü’l-manzûmeti’d-dürriyye fî lugati’l-Fârsiyye ve’d-Deriyye. A commentary on Tuhfe-i Vehbî. 511 pages. [Dictionary].

64) H. 1237 (1822): Tuhfe-i Vehbî. 65 pages. Fifth edition (see numbers 6, 27 and 41). [Dictionary].

65) H. 1237 (1822): Hülâsa-i Risâle-i Birgivî. The author is not mentioned. 24 pages. A book on Islamic theology. [Religion].

66) H. Sha’aban 1237 (May 1822): Netîcetü’l-fetâvâ. A treatise on fatwa, edited by Mehmed b. Ahmed Gedûsî. 683 pages. [Fatwa treatise].

67) Dhu al-Quidah 1237 (July 1822): Ta‘lîku’l-fevâzıl alâ i‘râbi’l-AvâmilüŞerh-i Avâmil-i Cedîd-i Birgivî/Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil). 124 pages. Fifth edition (see numbers 17, 33,38 and 52) Published and bound with Tuhfetü’l-ihvân (see no. 68) [Grammar].

68) H. 1237 (1822): Tuhfetü’l-İhvân. 197 pages. Fifth edition (see numbers 18, 32, 39 and 53). Published and bound with Mu‘ribü’l-Avâmil (see no. 67). [Grammar].

69) H. 1238 (1822): Hâşiye alâ Tahrîri’l-kavâidi’l-mantıkıyye. An appendix written by Abdülhakim b. Şemseddin el Siyâlkûtî for Kâtibî’s er-Risâletü’ş-Şemsiyye fi’l-kavâidi’l-mantıkıyye. 617 pages. Arabic. [Logic].

70) H. Rabi’ al-awwal 1238 (November 1822): Netâyicü’l-efkâr alâ İzhâri’l-esrâr. 267 pages. Third edition (see numbers 10 and 47). [Grammar].

71) H. 1238 (1822-1823): Tuhfe-i Vehbî. 65 pages. Sixth edition (see numbers 6, 27, 41 and 64). [Dictionary].

72) H. Rabi’ al-awwal 1238 (December 1822): er-Risâle fi’l-hendese. A book on geometry written by one of the instructors of Mühendishane, Masdârîyecizade Seyyid Hüseyin Efendi. 34 pages+7 tables. [Geometry].

73) H. Shawwal 1239 (February 1824): Mir’ât-ı Âlem. The Turkish translation of the Arabic work on astronomy, Fethiye, dedicated to Mehmed the Conqueror by Ali Kuşçu. 130 pages+4 tables. The final book printed by the Üsküdar Press and the only book printed there in the ta‛lik typeface. 250 copies were printed. [Astronomy].

V. The Istanbul Printing House

1) H. 20-30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1239 (20-30 June 1824). Gunyetü’l-mütemellî. A commentary by İbrahim Halebî, the author of Mülteka, on Kaşgarî’s work Münyetü’l-musallî. Arabic. 278 pages. [Islamic theology].

2) H. 1239 (1824). el-Mevâkıf fî ilmi’l-kelâm. The famous work by Adudüddin Ebü’1-Fazl Abdurrahman b. Ahmed b. Abdülgaffar el-Îcî (d. 756) on the science of discourse; included an Arabic commentary by Ali b. Muhammed el-Cürcânî. On the bottom of the pages there are notes by Abdülhakim b. Şemseddin es-Siyâlkûtî and marginal notes by Hasan Çelebi. 12+635 pages. [Kelam ].

3) H. 9 Rabi’ al-awwal 1240 (1. 11. 1824). Mecmau’l-enhur fî şerhi’l-Mülteka’l-ebhur. A commentary on İbrahim Halebî’s Mültekâ, prepared by Şeyhîzade Abdurrahman b. Şeyh Mehmed b. Süleyman. Two volumes. The first volume consists of 352 pages. The date of publication is H. 11 Rabi’ al-awwal 1240 (1.11.1824). The second volume consists 374 pages. The date of publication is H. 20-30 Sha’aban 1240 (20-30 April 1825). [Islamic theology].

4) H. 1 Rabi’ al-awwal 1241 (15 September, 1825). Siyer-i Kebîr Tercümesi. This work by İmâm Muhammed b. Hasan eş-Şeybânî (d. 805) was first commented on in Arabic by Muhammed b. Ahmed es-Serâhsî; this commentary was translated into Turkish by Ayintâbî es-Seyyid Mehmed Münîb. The translation was completed between 1796 and 1798. Two volumes (357 and 375 pages). 1,000 copies were published. [Siyer (biography of the Prophet)].


1 For maps and images, see: Fikret Sarıcaoğlu and Coşkun Yılmaz, Müteferrika Basmacı İbrahim Efendi ve Müteferrika Matbaası, translated by J. L. Kandur, Istanbul: Esen Ofset, 2008, pp. 192-205.

2 For pictures, see: Sarıcaoğlu and Yılmaz, Müteferrika, pp. 209-233.

3 For maps and tables, see: Sarıcaoğlu and Yılmaz, Müteferrika, pp. 252-317.

4 See Beydilli, Mühendishâne ve Üsküdar Matbaalarında Basılan Kitapların Listesi ve Bir Katalog, İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık, 1997, p. 254.

5 See Beydilli, Mühendishâne, p. 254.

6 See Beydilli, Mühendishâne, p. 153

7 See: Yahya Erdem, “Arabic and Turkish Books Published in Arabic Letters in Europe, 1514-1700”, Kebîkeç, 1995, no. 2, pp. 173-218.

8 See: Beydilli, Mühendishâne, p. 367.

9 See Beydilli, “İlk Mühendislerimizden Seyyid Mustafa ve Nizâm-ı Cedîd’e Dair Risâlesi”, pp. 436-437 (Nizam-ı Cedid Tanıtımı).”

10 For the work, cost accounting and fees paid to the artisans, craftsmen and translators who helped prepare this work, see: Kemal Beydilli, “III. Selim’in Bastırdığı Kitaplar ve Atlas’ı Kebîr”, III. Selim: İki Asrın Dönemecinde İstanbul, edited by Coşkun Yılmaz, Istanbul: İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti, 2010, p. 170

This article was translated from Turkish version of History of Istanbul with some editions to be published in a digitalized form in 2019.

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