Articles written for the History of Istanbul project and books cited by the writers have been used in the preparation of this text to present Istanbul’s chronology. The points that were not handled in these articles have been completed with the information provided in the books shown in the bibliography. Books which are related to Istanbul and have chronological information were chosen from the aforementioned sources and the books used by the authors were not added to the bibliography so as to avoid a long list and repetition. As there are inconsistencies regarding the years, months and, particularly, the dates of some events, we have tried to determine the most reasonable dates by comparing them. Regarding the latter, some documents and newspapers from the Ottoman era were consulted, and Official Gazette announcements were based on the Republican era. During the 1,593 years of Istanbul’s position as capital, among the developments that had direct effects on the city were selected; and the reflections of administrative regulations on the life of the capital were featured. The birth and death dates of politicians, artists and scholars who were trained before or after the three imperial periods were excluded. On the other hand, a long list of rulers that was not granted to any other capitals of the world was prepared separately from the chronology with the objective of demonstrating Istanbul’s character as a capital city of the Empire. Since local administrators, such as mayors and governors, were included in the section of Politics and Administration (see. Tarkan Oktay, “Istanbul’s Administration from the Tanzimat Era until Today”), they are repeated in the chronology.1

Click for Chronology


Afyoncu, Erhan, Ahmet Önal, Uğur Demir, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Askeri İsyanlar ve Darbeler, Istanbul, 2010.

Ahmed Refik, Onikinci Asr-ı Hicrîde İstanbul Hayatı (1689-1785), Istanbul, 1988.

Ahmed Refik, Onuncu Asr-ı Hicrîde İstanbul Hayatı, haz. A. Uysal, Ankara. 2000.

Ayar, Mesut, İstanbul’un 100 Önemli Olayı, Istanbul, 2010.

Ayvansarâyî, Hüseyin, Hadîkatü’l-cevâmi‘ İstanbul Câmileri ve Diğer Dînî-Sivil Mi‘mârî Yapılar, ed. A. N. Galitekin, Istanbul, 2001.

Balcı, Ramazan, İbrahim Sırma, Ticaret ve Ziraat Nezareti: Memâlik-i Osmâniyye’de Osmanlı Anonim Şirketleri, Istanbul, 2012.

Bayrak, M. Orhan, İstanbul Tarihi, İstanbul, no publication date.

Danişmend, İsmail Hami, İzahlı Osmanlı Tarihi Kronolojisi, IV vol., Istanbul, 2011.

Demirel, Fatmagül, Dolmabahçe ve Yıldız Saraylarında Son Ziyaretler Son Ziyafetler, Istanbul, 2007.

Demirkent, Işın, “İstanbul-Kuruluşundan Fethe Kadar”, DİA, vol. 23, pp. 205-210.

Dünden Bugüne İstanbul Ansiklopedisi (DBİst.A), 7 vol., Istanbul, 1994.

Ergin, Osman Nuri, İstanbul Şehreminleri, haz. A. Nezihi Galitekin, Istanbul, 1996.

Ergin, Osman Nuri, Mecelle-i Umûr-ı Belediyye, İstanbul 1330-38, 9 vol., Istanbul, 1995.

Eren, Güler (ed.), Osmanlı, 12 vol., Ankara, 1999.

Ersel, Hasan et al. (eds.), Cumhuriyet Ansiklopedisi, 6 vol., Istanbul, 2002.

Haldon, John, Bizans Tarih Atlası, tr. by Ali Özdamar, Istanbul, 2007.

Jaeschke, Gotthard, Türkiye Kronolojisi: 1938-1945, tr. Gülayşe Koçak, Ankara, 1990.

Kazgan, Haydar et al., Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Türk Finans Tarihi: Kuruluştan Cumhuriyete, Istanbul, 1999.

Mülayim, Selçuk, Yüzyılın Kültür ve Sanat Kronolojisi: 1900-1999, Istanbul, 1999.

Norwich, John Julius, Bizans, 3 vol., tr. Selen H. Riegel, Istanbul, 2013.

Ostrogorsky, Georg, Bizans Devleti Tarihi, tr. F. Işıltan, Ankara, 1995.

Öztürk, Said (ed.), Afetlerin Gölgesinde İstanbul, Istanbul, no publication date.

Satan, Ali, İstanbul’un 100 Yılı, Istanbul, 2012.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti 80’inci Yıl Kronolojisi, Ankara, 2003.

Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA), 46 vol., Istanbul, 1988-2013.

Ziyaoğlu, Rakım, Yorumlu İstanbul Kütüğü, Istanbul, 1985.



1 I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Kemal Beydilli, Prof. Dr. Feridun Emecen, Prof. Dr. Turhan Kaçar and Dr. Coşkun Yılmaz for bringing clarification to the text by correcting some mistakes in the chronology and adding missing information.

This article was translated from Turkish version of History of Istanbul with some editions to be published in a digitalized form in 2019.