By contrast with the gravures1 and the plan-maps2 defined as “perspective charted spatial plan[s] (vendute),” there are quite a few Ottoman miniatures3 and maps4 among the visual resources on the history of Ottoman Istanbul. The first and most famous of Istanbul depictions is the plan that appears in the work Beyân-i Menâzil-i Sefer-i Irakeyn, prepared by Matrakçı Nasuh in 1537.5 A one-page description, which was prepared collectively by Lokman b. Seyyid Hüseyin and the artisans of Nakkaş Osman6 and which depicts the city together with the comet that appeared on the Istanbul skyline in 1579, and a double-page plan in Hünernâme7 that was prepared in 1584–1585, are the most important depictions of the 16th century. Istanbul drawings that appear in Pîrî Reis’s Kitâb-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation) and date from the 16th and later centuries are among the most important visual resources of the first centuries of Ottoman Istanbul.8 Apart from these, although there are depictions of some monumental architectural works, headquarters, and districts of Istanbul, there is no early-period Ottoman miniature that depicts the entire city.9

The oldest surviving map of Ottoman Istanbul is Şekl-i Haliç ve Konstantiniyye (Image of the Golden Horn and Constantinople),10 which appears in Kâtip Çelebi’s Cihannümâ. This map, which was produced in the mid-17th century, was followed by a map of Istanbul and the Bosphorus that was prepared by the Ottoman cartographer Konstantin Kaminar on 23 Zilka’de 1228/18 November 1813 and offered to Mahmud II.11 On this map, water facilities in barrages, settlement areas of Rumelia, and Anatolian lighthouses at the entrances to the Bosphorus are also indicated, as well as the names of some important places like the Old Palace and Ağa Gate and some mosques in the walled city. However, there are some problems in the precise definition of locations.

1- Southern Section of the Map

The map that is the subject of this chapter was prepared by the students of the Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun (Imperial School of Naval Engineering) on 27 Cemaziyelahir 1261/3 July 1845.12 The map is in color, has a scale of 1:2,000,13 and consists of two sections. The southern section shows the southern parts of the Bosphorus, including the walled city and its surroundings, while the northern section shows the part of the Bosphorus that is on the northern side of Rumelihisarı and extends to Rumelikavağı. Each section measures 152 cm × 192 cm. They were made folded because of the map printing technique of the time and for ease of handling. The southern section is folded into 42 parts and the northern section into 48. The map was drawn on paper and manipulated on cloth.

The content, size, date of preparation, and preparers’ names are given in the lower left corner of the map. The explanation is as follows:

Dârü’s- saltanat-i seniyye olan Istanbul’un hâricinde vâki‘ Zeytinburnu ve Üsküdar’da kâ’in Fenerbahçesi’nden Karadeniz Bogazi’nda vâki‘Rumeli ve Anadolu fenerlerine varincaya kadar nefs-i Istanbul’un ve civârinda vâki‘ Eyyûb-i Ensarî ve Hasköy ve Kasimpasa ve Galata ve Beyoglu ve Tophane ve Besiktas ve Üsküdar ve mahall-i sâ’irede mevcûd cevâmi‘-i serîfe ve mevâki‘-i meshûre ve kislâk-i hümâyûn ve ebniye-i sâ’ire ve bi’l-cümle tarîk-i âmm u tarîk-i hâs ve bostân u meydân ve bâg u bahçe ve iskele ve mevâki‘-i sâ’ire ve kurb-i civârinda olan ba’zi karyelerin harîta-i mevzi’yesidir ki bu defa Mühendishâne-i Hümâyûn sâkirdâni kullari ma‘rifetiyle ta‘lîm-gûnâ bi’l-hendese mesâha olunarak müceddeden ahz u tersîm olunmusdur 27 C. 1261. Iki bin zirâ‘-i Osmânî mikyâsidir.

This is the map showing mosques, famous places, winter quarters of the sultan, other buildings, and the main roads, special roads, squares, vineyards, gardens, and ports, which are located in neighborhoods in, outside of, and near Istanbul, the place of the supreme sultanate, that are located in Zeytinburnu and Üsküdar, Beşiktaş, Tophane, Beyoğlu, Kasımpaşa, Hasköy, and Eyyub-i Ensari. It was drawn with geometrical measures by the students of Mühendishane-i Hümayun as a training exercise on 27 Cemaziyelahir 1261. It has the scale of two thousand Ottoman zira.

The borders of the southern section, which displays the city of Istanbul and its immediate surroundings, are as follows: the western border is drawn west of Çırpıcı Stream in Zeytinburnu; the eastern border reaches Ümraniye; and a line that passes north of the two fortresses Rumelihisarı and Anadoluhisarı forms the northern border. The northern section continues from this point, including Rumeli and Anadolu Feneri. Although a wide area stretching east to west is depicted in the southern section of the map, only a narrow strip east and west of the Bosphorus is depicted in the northern section. This section of the map includes the settlement areas of Boğaziçi but does not depict the interior parts in detail, because the settlement areas were close to the shore of Bosphorus and the interior areas were of less interest. It is probably for this reason that the northern section of the map is limited to the shores of the Bosphorus.

The sparsity of the settlements in the northern part of Istanbul and the large scale of the map made it possible to show substantial detail. Almost all of the ports, piers, castles, bastions, fisheries, fountains, and mansions along the Anatolian and Rumelian shores of the Bosphorus are shown on the map. Like in the southern section, cemeteries and cultivated areas such as vineyards, gardens, orchards, and arable fields that are located on shores and the ridges and slopes on the back parts are also depicted. A total of 30 cemeteries and burial areas are depicted on the map, including four Jewish cemeteries. Other geographical elements, such as large and small headlands and bays along the Bosphorus, are also shown.

Of the maps known today, this is the first that had the characteristics of a city plan and was prepared by the Ottomans.14 The map with its drawing, content, details, and descriptions of buildings, streets, and locations is noteworthy in terms of the city’s history. The only known map from this era that was not prepared by westerners,15 more detailed and bigger than the map by Helmuth von Moltke that is thought to be its model, it can be regarded as a reference work. The map is significant in terms of the city history of Istanbul, its geography, topography, names of places, hills, valleys, cemeteries, streams, and streets; it is also significant in terms of the religious life of Istanbul because of its list of the names of mosques.

The map contains detailed information on many aspects of Istanbul and nearby areas. It is of great importance that the map depicts the residential area that existed on its publication date in such size and with such precision. Lots of information within the residential area should also be included in this. Moreover, it includes detailed information about various areas of usage around the city. The map is informative about a vast number of features including farms, arable fields, vineyards and orchards, gardens, mills, streets, bridges, bastions, barracks, and training areas.

3- Northern Section of the Map

The most important feature of the map is its scale, which is given on the southwestern side under the name of the map, as a graphic and as text.

Several characteristics of the map are significant. Its large scale makes it possible to depict Istanbul and its vicinity in substantial detail. It uses a linear scale, a kind of scale widely used in scientific studies, which prevents distortions that may otherwise appear when the map is copied in different sizes and thus preserves the technical qualities of the map. A symbol on the map indicates the compass directions. There are no latitude or longitude markings on the map. Elevation values are also not shown, although Büyük Çamlıca Hill and other hills are shown. Contour lines are not given, but topography is shown effectively with colors and hachures. Valleys and their slopes are depicted with hachures and in grey. The direction of the flow of streams is shown, which also indicates the general slope of the land. Some big streams like Kağıthane, Alibeyköy, Kurbağalı, and Çırçır are depicted in blue.

The map legend is placed below the map; it provides the names of mosques, slopes, locations, and streets as well as information about the scale, content, and the map artist. However, not all map elements are explained in this legend. The map conveys extensive information through colors and symbols. For example, land parcels are depicted in different colors and hachures. Based on our general knowledge of mapping, it can be easily understood that these represent different types of land use, but the map legend does not explain what they are; this limits the use of the map.

Some information not given in the legend is given directly on the map; land parcels are labeled as arable fields, vineyards, gardens, meadows, orchards, and cemeteries. Bright green areas are labeled as meadows; the area that corresponds to Karacaahmet Cemetery and some other areas outside the wall in Topkapı are depicted in red hachures and labeled mezaristan (cemetery). The map shows a broad expanse of arable fields, gardens, and orchards around Istanbul. These areas, some large and some small, are depicted on the map in different colors and hachures. Areas colored yellow, brown, or green with hachures in different directions are labeled as arable fields. These cover an extended area around Ümraniye, Merdivenköy, and Göztepe. Vineyards cover a wide area on the Anatolian side, extending from Anadoluhisarı in the north to the coast of the Marmara Sea in the south. On the European side, Çırçır Valley and the crests of Arnavutköy and Bebek are the main areas with vineyards. Vineyards indicated in yellow with a special symbol are also shown directly on the map, like other cultivated areas. Gardens, which are shown in green and with dark green spots, are concentrated around the residential area.

1- Distance scale

2-Residential area

3- Cemetery




 7-Arable field


 9- Valley and stream

10-Hill (left) and valley (right)

11-Current direction


Although it is not specified in the map legend, it is clear that the areas depicted in pink are residential, since they correspond to the old settlement areas of Istanbul.

The map depicts currents in the Bosphorus with arrows; there are 11 of these in the northern section and 15 in the southern section. These indicate that the main current system in the Bosphorus is from north to south. The southern section of the map also shows a current moving south to north. This current, which is shown at 13 different points, exists at the headlands of Moda, Kadiköy, and İhsaniye ports on the Anatolian coast. On the European coast, north-moving currents are indicated in front of Zeytinburnu, Narlıkapı, Sarayburnu, Tophane, Beşiktaş, and Ortaköy.

On the map, there are no symbols for mines, limekilns, tileries, windmills, water springs (ayazma), police stations, pools, landmark stones (nişantaşı), threshing areas, shipyards, or other institutions and places, but many of these are indicated with written labels.

Most land use types are labeled directly on the map and shown in different colors and hachures as in the following examples.

The map depicts the river system in detail (especially outside of the residential areas)—in particular İncirlibağçe, Sakızağacı, Dolap, Etmekçioğlu, Kettancı, Taşköprü, Doymaz, and Bülbül Streams. Today, most of the valleys in which these streams were located have been urbanized, and it is no longer possible to determine these streams. The map is also interesting in this respect.

The map shows the streets of Istanbul in detail. Mosques, famous slopes, streets, and roads are numbered, and the corresponding names are given in numbered lists at the bottom of the map. Locations outside the city wall are labeled directly. The map is an important document regarding the residential areas of Istanbul during the age in which it was produced.

The map shows Suriçi Istanbul, Zeytinburnu, Üsküdar, Fenerbahçe, Anadolu, and Rumelifeneri, as well as famous locations, large barracks, streets, squares, gardens, and ports in Eyüp, Hasköy, Sütlüce, Kasımpaşa, Galata, Beyoğlu, Tophane, Dolmabahçe, and Beşiktaş, and the villages in the immediate vicinity. The locations of the mosques in Suriçi Istanbul, which today is considered part of the district of Fatih, are represented as numbers corresponding to a list that appears at the bottom of the map. The famous slopes, locations, streets, and roads inside and outside the walled city, Eyüp, Üsküdar, and the area from Sütlüce to Dolmabahçe are marked partially as numbers and partially as letters, also corresponding to a list at the bottom of the map.

The map can be called the Map of Istanbul Mosques because of the many mosques it shows. Of these, 425 are indicated by number, while several large mosques are labeled directly, such as the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han, Sultan Bayezid, Laleli, Şehzade, Sultanahmet, and Osmaniye (Nur-i Osmaniye) Mosques. Thus, the mosques and prayer rooms (mescits) within the walled city in 1845 numbered more than 425. Although they are not listed, the mosques and prayer rooms in Eyüp, Galata, Üsküdar, and other areas are also labeled directly on the map. There are 594 prayer rooms and mosques indicated on the map either by a numerical code or a name. Three namazgah (open-air prayer places) are also shown.

some mosque names appear more than once in the lists. Molla Gürani appears three times, Daye Hatuli three times, Molla Fenari twice, and Saman Veren Mosque twice. The reason for this repetition is not that the same mosque is mentioned repeatedly but that mosques in different districts had the same name, as can be seen when the numbers on the map are compared. For example, Saman Veren Mosque is mentioned two times, but Saman Emini Hoca Sinan Efendi had two mosques—Çukurçeşme Mosque in Fatih, and another in Mercan. Daye Kadın prayer rooms, numbers 213 and 214, are located in two separate areas that are close to each other.

Some mosques and prayer rooms are omitted from the map; thus, it is possible that there may have been more than 594 of them. According to a list dated 24 October 2014 that was provided by the Istanbul Müftülüğü (Directorate of Religious Affairs), the current number of mosques and prayer rooms in Suriçi, including those built after 1845, is 291. Comparing this total to the 1845 map makes it possible to estimate the number of mosques and prayer rooms that have disappeared since 1845 at 150–200. Moreover, some changes have occurred in the names of mosques; some mosques are not shown on the map with their current names. Comparing the 1845 map to a contemporary map at the same scale can help to determine the locations of these structures and the mosques that disappeared or took a different name.

The location and denomination of 10 churches outside of the walled city are also indicated on the map.

Another feature of the map that is interesting and significant for the history of Istanbul is the fact that the names of famous slopes, locations, streets, and roads are shown together. This provides data that could not be gathered easily from other sources. In a list that covers Sütlüce to Dolmabahçe, Karanlık Mescid Slope is mentioned two times, once before and once after the Humbaracılar Mescidi Slope; these most likely both refer to the same location. Most of the names on this map are forgotten today, and some of the structures have disappeared because of the housing structure. Even the names of the districts in which these structures were located are no longer current, as districts have been reorganized and renamed during subsequent town planning. Any study carried out with reference to this map will contribute to determining these lost locations.

As discussed earlier, many routes and locations are indicated on the map with numbers and letters corresponding to explanations at the bottom of the map. The numbers in the lists that follow reproduce the original numbers faithfully; but for the sake of clarity, letters on the original map have been replaced here with the corresponding numbers; this substitution is noted at the beginning of the list.

Some elements are not indicated on the map with a number or letter but are directly labeled on the map with their explanations. These are also listed.

4- Detail from the southern section: Istanbul and Bilad-ı Selase (Galata, Eyüp, and Üsküdar)

The following method is used to make use of the map easier and to simplify finding the names of items that are not included in the lists but are indicated on the map.

  1. Toklu İbrahim Dede Mosque
  2. Atîk Mustafa Paşa Mosque
  3. İvaz Efendi Mosque
  4. Nakşıdil Valide Sultan Mosque
  5. Hoca Ali Mosque
  6. Hacı İlyas Mosque
  7. Avcı Bey Mosque
  8. Karabaş Mosque
  9. Ferruh Kethüda Mosque
  10. Âdilşah Kadın Mosque
  11. Molla Aşkî Mosque
  12. Hacı İsa Mosque
  13. Çakır Ağa Mosque
  14. Kahriye [Kariye] Mosque
  15. Hoca Kasım Mosque
  16. Odun Yarıcı Mescidi
  17. Tahta Minare Mosque
  18. Hızır Çavuş Mosque
  19. Hammamî Muhyiddin Mosque
  20. Kadı Sadeddin Mosque
  21. Kefeli Mosque
  22. Kasım Ağa Mosque
  23. Kemankeş Mustafa Paşa Mosque
  24. Hacı Muhyiddin Mosque
  25. Mihrimah Sultan Mosque
  26. Hatice Sultan Mosque
  27. Kızıl Mescid
  28. Tercüman Yunus Mosque
  29. Yazıcı Mosque
  30. Fethiye Mosque
  31. Cafer Subaşı Mosque
  32. Mahmud Ağa Mosque
  33. İksirci Mosque
  34. Karabaş Mosque
  35. Sirkeci Mosque
  36. Sinan Paşa Mosque
  37. Debbağ Yunus Mosque
  38. Atîk Cebecibaşı Mosque.
  39. Hıra Mehmed Mosque
  40. Derviş Ali Mosque
  41. Canfedâ Hatun Mosque
  42. Mescid
  43. Hasan Paşa Mosque
  44. Keçeci Pîrî Mosque
  45. Neslişah Kadın Mosque
  46. Atîk Ali Paşa Mosque
  47. Çavuşbaşı Mosque
  48. Mehmed Ağa Mosque
  49. Bazirgân Hüseyin Efendi Mosque
  50. İsmail Ağa Mosque
  51. Cebecibaşı Mosque
  52. Hatip Muslihiddin Mosque
  53. Molla Hüsrev Mosque
  54. Gül Mosque
  55. Cebeci Ali Mosque
  56. Kâtip Hüsrev Mosque
  57. Müftü Ali Efendi Mosque
  58. Çerağî Hamza Mosque
  59. Kovacı Mosque
  60. Bekcilis? Mosque
  61. Bitlice Ali Efendi
  62. Kabakulak Mosque
  63. Öküz Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  64. Merdibanlı Mosque
  65. Karabaş Mosque
  66. Muhtesib İskender Mosque
  67. Tahta Minare Mosque
  68. Üçbaş Mosque
  69. Hacı Hasan Efendi Mosque
  70. Efdalzade Mosque
  71. Nişancı Paşa Mosque
  72. Bakkalzade Mosque
  73. Kumrulu Mescid
  74. Valide Medresesi Mosque
  75. Leblebici Mosque
  76. Şeyh Resmî Mahmud Efendi Mosque
  77. Altı Poğaça Mosque
  78. Şeyh Murad Mosque
  79. Âşık Paşa Mosque
  80. Muhyiddin Kocavî Mosque
  81. Üsküblü Mosque
  82. Haracî Mosque
  83. Ahmed Buharî Türbesi
  84. Papazzade Mosque
  85. (No name)
  86. Salih Paşa Mosque
  87. Bıçakçı Alaeddin Mosque
  88. Molla Haydar Mosque
  89. Hacı Ferhad Mosque
  90. Sinan Ağa Mosque
  91. Yarhisarî Muslihiddin Mosque
  92. Hacegî Mustafa Efendi Mosque
  93. Kirmasti Mosque
  94. Hafız Paşa Mosque
  95. Hoca Hayreddin Mosque
  96. Pirinççi Sinan Mosque
  97. Eski Ali Paşa Mosque
  98. Akseki Mosque
  99. Akşemseddin Mosque
  100. Hürrem Çavuş Mosque
  101. Hoca Hayreddin Mosque
  102. Fatma Sultan Mosque
  103. Ahmed Paşa Mosque
  104. Attar Halil Mosque
  105. Tûtî Abdüllatif Mosque
  106. Molla Ahaveyn Mosque
  107. Hacı İlyas Mosque
  108. Hoca Veys Mosque
  109. Emir Buharî Mosque
  110. Haracî Muhyiddin Mosque
  111. İmaret-i Atîk Mosque
  112. Hacı Hasan Mosque
  113. Elvanzade Mosque
  114. Yavuz Sinan Mosque
  115. Hacı Ahmed Mosque
  116. Hacı Davud Mosque
  117. Hoca Hayreddin Mosque
  118. Hoca Halil Attar Mosque
  119. Kasap Demirhan Mosque
  120. Çırçır Mosque
  121. Kepenekçi Ali Çelebi Mosque
  122. Hüsrev Paşa Mosque
  123. Mimar Sinan Mosque
  124. Arpa Emini Mosque
  125. Bayezid Ağa Mosque
  126. Kürkçübaşı Mosque
  127. Kâtip Muslihiddin Mosque
  128. Müneccimbaşı Mosque
  129. Nakkaş Paşa Mosque
  130. Ördek Kasap Mosque
  131. Kaptan Sinan Paşa Mosque
  132. Simkeş Mosque
  133. Kadıasker Mehmed Efendi Mosque
  134. Kasap İvaz Mosque
  135. Çıkrıkçı Kemaleddin Mosque
  136. Hasan Halife Mosque
  137. Halil Paşa Mosque
  138. Sanki Yedim Mosque
  139. Manisalı Mehmed Paşa
  140. Şah-ı Hûban Mosque
  141. Molla Zeyrek Mosque
  142. Pîr Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  143. Zeyrek Mosque
  144. Hace Kadın Mosque
  145. Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  146. Sarı Timur Mosque
  147. Yumurtacılar Mosque
  148. Ahî Çelebi Mosque
  149. Tekneciler Mosque
  150. İzzet Mehmed Paşa
  151. Mehmed Geylâni Mosque
  152. Hidayet Mosque
  153. Yeşil Kiremitli Cami
  154. Dâye Hatun Mosque
  155. Vezir Mosque
  156. Emir Mosque
  157. Kadıasker-i Esbak Abdulkadir Mosque
  158. Çelebioğlu Hayreddin Mosque
  159. Yavaşça Şahin Mosque
  160. Rüstem Paşa Mosque
  161. Timurtaş Mosque
  162. Kepenekçi Sinan Mosque
  163. Kâtip Şemseddin Mosque
  164. Sarı Bayezid Mosque
  165. Voynuk Şücaeddin Mosque
  166. Çivizade Mosque
  167. Ferhad Ağa Mosque
  168. Dülgeroğlu Mosque
  169. Mustafa Bey Mosque
  170. İskender Paşa Mosque
  171. Silahdar Mustafa Mosque
  172. Öksüzce Hatip Mosque
  173. Lütfü Paşa Mosque
  174. Himmetzade Tekyesi Mosque
  175. Deniz Abdal Mosque
  176. Sırrızade Tekyesi Mosque
  177. Şehremini Mosque
  178. Mustafa Çavuş Mosque
  179. Çivizade Mosque
  180. Simkeş Mosque
  181. İskender Ağa Mosque
  182. Cafer Ağa Mosque
  183. Sultan Mustafa Mosque
  184. Saraç Doğan Mosque
  185. Kadıasker Mosque
  186. Defterdar Ahî Çelebi Mosque
  187. Sultan Selim Mosque
  188. Molla Ali Mosque
  189. Molla Hüsrev Mosque
  190. Yayla Mosque
  191. Sinan Paşa Mosque
  192. Bayezid Yusuf Mosque
  193. Hüsam Bey Mosque
  194. Sekbanbaşı Mosque
  195. Hacı Teberrük Mosque
  196. Şeyh Vefa Mosque
  197. Molla Güranî Mosque
  198. Hoca Hamza Mosque
  199. Saman Veren [-i evvel] Mosque
  200. Sırrı Ağa Mosque
  201. Molla Güranî Mosque
  202. Saman Veren [-i sânî] Mosque
  203. İbrahim Paşa Mosque
  204. Hacı Küçük Mosque
  205. Hubyar Mosque
  206. Hoca Paşa Mosque
  207. Elvan Mosque
  208. Ahmed Ağa Mosque
  209. Karaköy Hüseyin Çelebi
  210. Nallı Prayer Room
  211. Fatma Sultan Mosque
  212. Sahaf Süleyman Ağa Mosque
  213. Dâye Kadın Mosque
  214. Dâye Kadın Mosque
  215. Mercan Mosque
  216. Yakub Ağa Mosque
  217. Kirazlı Prayer Room
  218. Molla Hüsrev Mosque
  219. Sinekli Medrese Mosque
  220. Revanî Çelebi Mosque
  221. Firuz Ağa Mosque
  222. Mimar Ayaz Mosque
  223. Haydarhane Mosque
  224. Sofular Mosque
  225. Softa Sinan Mosque
  226. Kara Nohut Mosque
  227. Seydi Bey Mosque
  228. Nuri Dede Mosque
  229. Macuncu Mosque
  230. İbrahim Çavuş Mosque
  231. Mimar Acem Mosque
  232. Hasırcı Mosque
  233. Melek Hatun Mosque
  234. Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  235. Hacı Evliya Mosque
  236. Hacı Odabaşı Mosque
  237. Koruk Mosque
  238. Dülbentçi Mosque
  239. Seyyid Halife Mosque
  240. Fenaî Mosque
  241. Molla Güranî Mosque
  242. Sarı Musa Mosque
  243. Selçuk Hanım Mosque
  244. Şeremet Çavuş Mosque
  245. Kazganiye Mosque
  246. Ebe Kadın Mosque
  247. Kızıl Minare Mosque
  248. Baba Hasan Ali Mosque
  249. Muhtesib Karagöz Mosque
  250. Emin Nureddin Mosque
  251. Damat İbrahim Paşa Mosque
  252. Kalenderhane Mosque
  253. Hacı Kaptan İbrahim Paşa Mosque
  254. Hacı Ali Mosque
  255. Yeni Prayer Room
  256. Hatice Usta Mosque
  257. Hace Pîrî Mehmed Efendi Mosque
  258. Hüseyin Ağa Mosque
  259. Mahmud Paşa Mosque
  260. Servili Mosque
  261. Cezerî Hüseyin Paşa Mosque
  262. Beşir Ağa Mosque
  263. Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque
  264. Zeyneb Sultan Mosque
  265. Lala Hayreddin Mosque
  266. Üskübî Mosque
  267. Molla Fenarî Mosque
  268. Firuz Ağa Mosque
  269. Mehmed Ağa Mosque
  270. Sinan Ağa Mosque
  271. Hacı Ferhad Mosque
  272. Asmalı Prayer Room
  273. Köprülüoğlu Prayer Room
  274. Molla Fenarî Prayer Room
  275. Atîk Ali Paşa Mosque
  276. Mimar Hayreddin Mosque
  277. Çorlulu Ali Paşa Mosque
  278. Kaliçeci Hasan Mosque
  279. Emir Bey Mosque
  280. Sekbanbaşı Yakub Ağa Mosque
  281. Papazoğlu Mosque
  282. Hekim Çelebi Mosque
  283. Mimar Kemaleddin Mosque
  284. Kızıltaş Mosque
  285. Balaban Ağa Mosque
  286. Fatih Mosque
  287. Molla Kestel Mosque
  288. Kemal Paşa Mosque
  289. Kırımî Mosque
  290. Câmeşuycu Mosque
  291. Hoş Kadem Mosque
  292. İsmail Ağa Mosque
  293. Oruç Gazi Mosque
  294. Hacı Bayram Kaftanî Mosque
  295. Keşi Hatun Mosque
  296. Haseki Mosque
  297. Nevbahar Mosque
  298. Bekir Paşa Mosque
  299. Kasap Halil Mosque
  300. Hacı Timur Mosque
  301. Seyyid Ömer Mosque
  302. Hüsameddin Mosque
  303. Uzun Yusuf Mosque
  304. Haydar Kethüda Mosque
  305. Takyeci Mosque
  306. Tarsus Mosque
  307. Karabaş Mosque
  308. Karagöz Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  309. Debbağîzade Kethüdası Ahmed Efendi Mosque
  310. Vani Tekyesi Mosque
  311. Lalazade Ahmed Efendi Mosque
  312. Çivizade Mosque
  313. İbrahim Paşa Mosque
  314. Meşeli Prayer Room (Mescid)
  315. Sitte Hatun Mosque
  316. Arabacı Bayezid Mosque
  317. Yahya Efendi Mosque
  318. Canbaz Mustafa Bey Mosque
  319. Bazirgân Hacı Hüsrev Mosque
  320. Kâtip Muslihiddin Mosque
  321. Şüca‘ Mehmed Çavuş Mosque
  322. Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa Mosque
  323. Davud Paşa Mosque
  324. Yavuz Mehmed Ağa Mosque
  325. Murad Paşa Mosque
  326. Gurebâ Hüseyin Ağa Mosque
  327. Kâtip Muslihiddin Mosque
  328. Yakub Ağa Mosque
  329. Alem Bey Mosque
  330. Kemankeş Ahmed Ağa Mosque
  331. Kuyumcu Bahşâyiş Mosque
  332. Mesih Paşa Mosque
  333. Çoban Çavuş Mosque
  334. Daltaban Mosque
  335. Soğan Ağa Mosque
  336. Kepenek Mosque
  337. Saraç İshak Mosque
  338. Esir Kemal Mosque
  339. Uzun Şücaeddin Mosque
  340. Divanî Ali Mosque
  341. Emin Sinan Mosque
  342. Tahta Minare Mosque
  343. Kâtip Sinan Mosque
  344. Dizdariye Mosque
  345. Üçler Mosque
  346. Helvacı Mosque
  347. Siyah Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  348. İmaret Mosque
  349. Nakilbend Mosque
  350. Güngörmez Mosque
  351. Kabasakal Mosque
  352. İshak Paşa Mosque
  353. Can Kurtaran Hüseyin Ağa Mosque
  354. Akbıyık Mosque
  355. Kapı Ağası Sinan Ağa Mosque
  356. Çakır Ağa Mosque
  357. Küçük Ayasofya Mosque
  358. Bostanî Ali Ağa Mosque
  359. Behram Çavuş Mosque
  360. Bâlî Paşa Mosque
  361. Cadu Hamid Mosque
  362. İbrahim Paşa Mosque
  363. Lala Hüseyin Paşa Mosque
  364. Nişancı Mosque
  365. Şeyh Ferhad Bey Mosque
  366. Hacı Bayram Kaftanî Mosque
  367. Mercimek Çakır Ağa Mosque
  368. Kara Mahmud Paşa Mosque
  369. Hanım Sultan Mosque
  370. Kovacı Dede Mosque
  371. Çakır Ağa Mosque
  372. Kâtip Muslihiddin Mosque
  373. Zeyneb Kadın Mosque
  374. Cerrah Paşa Mosque
  375. Canbaziye Mosque
  376. Hacı Timur Mosque
  377. Hubyar Mosque
  378. Şeyhülharem Mosque
  379. Haydar Kethüda Mosque
  380. Bıyıklı Hüsrev Mosque
  381. İbrahim Paşa Mosque
  382. Davud Bey Mosque
  383. Koca Mustafa Paşa Mosque
  384. Ağa Mosque
  385. İskender Mosque
  386. Ali Fakih Mosque
  387. Duhaniye Mosque
  388. Sancakdar Hayreddin Mosque
  389. Sultan Mosque
  390. Çavuşzade Mosque
  391. Çivizade Mosque
  392. Kürkçü Mosque
  393. Bostancıbaşı Abdullah Ağa Mosque
  394. İnebey/Eynebey Mosque
  395. Kara Müezzin Mosque
  396. Şehsuvar Mosque
  397. Çelebi Hasan Paşa Mosque
  398. Kürkçübaşı Süleyman Ağa Mosque
  399. Süleyman Ağa Mosque
  400. Kazgancı Mosque
  401. Dülbentçi Mosque
  402. Muhasebeci Ahmed Efendi Mosque
  403. Malkoç Süleyman Ağa Mosque
  404. Bostan Mosque
  405. Nailî Abdullah Paşa Mosque
  406. Kasap İlyas Mosque
  407. Bayezid-i Cedîd Mosque
  408. Etyemez Tekyesi Mosque
  409. Hatuniye Mosque
  410. Abdi Çelebi Mosque
  411. El-Hac Raşid Efendi Mosque
  412. Hacı Hamza Mosque
  413. Çeragî Hasan Mosque
  414. Hace Kadın Mosque
  415. Zeytuniye Mosque
  416. Hacı Manka? Mosque
  417. Hacı Hüseyin Mosque
  418. Arap Kapısı Mosque
  419. Mîrahur Mosque
  420. Hacı Evhad Mosque
  421. Hacı Pîrî Mosque
  422. Kürkçü Mosque
  423. Hacı İlyas Mosque
  424. Kule Mosque
  425. Bucak Bağı Mosque

Famous Slopes inside Istanbul Walls

  1. Soğuk Çeşme Slope
  2. Şengül Hamamı Slope
  3. Cağaloğlu Slope
  4. Mahmut Paşa Slope
  5. Çakmakçılar Slope
  6. Uzun Çarşı Slope
  7. Divoğlu Slope
  8. Saatçi Slope
  9. Mehmet Paşa Slope
  10. Zeyrek Slope
  11. Fil Slope
  12. Horasancı Slope
  13. Debbağ Yunus Slope
  14. Kırk Nerdiban Slope
  15. Camcı Çeşmesi Slope
  16. Sancaktar Slope
  17. Otlukçu Slope
  18. Tena Slope
  19. Hasan Hüseyin Slope
  20. Bastırmacı Slope
  21. Macarlar Slope
  22. Çinili Çeşme Slope
  23. Tabgan Slope
  24. Mekikçi Slope
  25. Hançerli Slope
  26. Mumhane Slope
  27. Şehit Mehmet Paşa Slope
  28. Peykhane Slope
  29. Gedik Paşa Slope
  30. Ağa Slope
  31. Selim Paşa Slope
  32. Baruthane Slope
  33. Balcı Slope
  34. Tozkoparan Slope
  35. Cerrah Paşa Slope
  36. Etyemez Slope
  37. Çilingirli Slope
  38. Balıkçılar Slope
  39. Vefa Slope
  40. Yokuş Fountain

Famous Locations, Streets, and Roads inside the Istanbul Walls

  1. Demir Kapı
  2. Aydınoğlu Derviş Lodge
  3. Soğuk Fountain
  4. Kaba Sakal
  5. Bayram Bakery
  6. Arasta Odaları
  7. Nahılbend
  8. Hoca Paşa
  9. Acı Musluk
  10. Cağaloğlu
  11. Kapalı Bakery
  12. Acı Bathhouse
  13. Divan Yolu
  14. Tavuk Pazarı
  15. Amel Pazarı
  16. Meydancık
  17. Haseki Bathhouse
  18. Hoca Inn
  19. Yere Batan
  20. Kalpakçılarbaşı
  21. Bit Pazarı
  22. Parmak Port
  23. Okçularbaşı
  24. Vezneciler
  25. Daltaban
  26. Bozdoğan Kemeri
  27. Dökmeciler
  28. Tahta Castle
  29. Hasırcılar Derunu
  30. Alaca Bathhouse
  31. Ketencilerbaşı
  32. Tahmis Önü
  33. Asma Altı
  34. Hardware Stores
  35. Boxers
  36. Kantarçılar
  37. Kıble Fountain
  38. Small Bazaar
  39. Kurnacılar
  40. Şehzadebaşı
  41. Çukur Fountain
  42. Koska
  43. Musalla
  44. Çifte Gelinler
  45. Langa
  46. Aksaray
  47. Cellat Fountain
  48. Horhor
  49. Akar Fountain
  50. Sepetçilerbaşı
  51. İbrahim Paşa Bathhouse
  52. Kırk Fountain
  53. Çinili Bathhouse
  54. Azaplar
  55. Haydar
  56. Çıngıraklı Mill
  57. Küçük Mustafa Paşa
  58. Müftü Bathhouse
  59. Kadı Fountain
  60. Çukur Bathhouse
  61. Çırçır
  62. Tezgâhçılarbaşı
  63. Horse Bazaar
  64. Küçük Karaman
  65. Saraçhanebaşı
  66. Deve Inn
  67. Sofular
  68. Telüklü Fountain
  69. Kadınlar Pazarı
  70. Çifte Fırın
  71. İsa Port
  72. Grand Sycamore Tree
  73. Cuma Pazarı
  74. Altı Mermer
  75. Emirler Fountain
  76. Yeni Neighborhood
  77. Taş Kasap
  78. Yüksek Kaldırım
  79. Halıcılar Pavilion
  80. Sarı Gez
  81. Malta Pazarı
  82. Kapalı Çarşı
  83. Çarşamba Pazarı
  84. Kumrulu
  85. Fethiye
  86. Zincirli Kuyu
  87. Cumartesi Bazaar
  88. Keçeciler
  89. Sarmaşık
  90. Acı Fountain
  91. Salma Tomruk
  92. Sultan Bathhouse
  93. Kesme Kaya
  94. Drağman
  95. Lonca
  96. Tekfur Palace
  97. Kürkçü Fountain
  98. Yatağan Fountain
  99. Molla Aşkî
  100. Çınarlı Fountain

Famous Slopes in Eyyüb Ensari

  1. Uncu Bayırı Slope
  2. Rami Çiftliği Slope
  3. Kırk Nerdiban Slope
  4. Balcı Slope
  5. Nişancı Slope
  6. Sıra Serviler Slope
  7. Oluklu Bayır Slope
  8. Ermeni Slope

Famous Locations in Eyyüb Ensari

  1. Old New Bathhouse
  2. Sofular
  3. Dökmeciler
  4. Gümüşsuyu
  5. İdris Köşkü
  6. Topçular
  7. Münzevi
  8. Otakçılar
  9. Türbe
  10. Yeni Fountain
  11. Çömlekçiler
  12. Akar Fountain
  13. Tokmak Tepe
  14. Savaklar
  15. Zülâlî Fountain
  16. Ermeni Mahallesi
  17. Kuru Kavak
  18. Çinili Fountain
  19. Arpa Emini Fountain
  20. Armenian Neighborhood

Famous Slopes from Sütlüce to Dolmabahçe

  1. Tekye Slope
  2. Parmakkapı Slope
  3. Kırk Nerdiban Slope
  4. Yarımlı Slope
  5. Kilise Slope
  6. Çık Salın Slope
  7. Tomanoğlu Slope
  8. Fıstıklı Slope
  9. Pîr Paşa ve Parmakkapı Slope
  10. Kalaycı Bahçesi Slope
  11. Arabacılar Slope
  12. Kızıl Minare Slope
  13. Hasköy’de Kilise Slope
  14. Hasköy’de Parmakkapı Slope
  15. Keçeci Mahallesi Slope
  16. Doymaz Dere Slope
  17. İbadullah Slope
  18. Zindan Arkası Slope
  19. Emin Çeşmesi Slope
  20. Surikoz Slope
  21. Yeni Çeşme Slope
  22. Kalafatçılar Slope
  23. Yel Değirmeni Slope
  24. Mekteb-i Bahriye Slope
  25. Diğer Mekteb-i Bahriye Slope
  26. Matbah Kapısı Slope
  27. Paşa Çeşmesi Slope
  28. Baba Slope
  29. Emir Efendi Slope
  30. Nalıncı Slope
  31. Paşa Hamamı Slope
  32. Yeni Mahalle Slope
  33. Değirmen Slope
  34. Türbe Slope
  35. Cevizaltı Slope
  36. Haftancı Slope
  37. Sinan Bey Slope
  38. Zincirli Slope
  39. Taş Köprü Slope
  40. Tahta Köprü Slope
  41. Pehlivan Slope
  42. Hacı Hüsrev Slope
  43. Kara İmam Slope
  44. Sakızağa Slope
  45. Hastahane Slope
  46. Hacıahmed Slope
  47. Bedevî Slope
  48. Tatavla Slope
  49. Kilise Slope
  50. Çeşme Slope
  51. Yeni Mahalle Slope
  52. Taksim Slope
  53. Çukur Slope
  54. Papaz Köprü Slope
  55. Saray Burnu Slope
  56. Emin Camii Slope
  57. Mevlevihane Slope
  58. Akarca Slope
  59. Sürurî Slope
  60. Karanlık Çeşme Slope
  61. Aynalı Çeşme Slope
  62. Âşık Meydanı Slope
  63. Tozkoparan Slope
  64. Cağaloğlu Çeşmesi Slope
  65. Destereci Slope
  66. Yeni Cami Slope
  67. Kapalı Kapı Slope
  68. Kız Kapısı Slope
  69. Karaköy Slope
  70. Kule Kapısı Slope
  71. Perşembe Pazarı Slope
  72. Cizvit Slope
  73. Kapı Slope
  74. Büyük Kilise Slope
  75. Pençşenbe Slope
  76. Kule Kapısı’ndan Aşağı Hendek Slope
  77. Dibek Slope
  78. Karanlık Mescid Slope
  79. Humbaracı Slope
  80. Karanlık Mescid Slope
  81. Boğaz Kesen Slope
  82. Kaval Slope
  83. Taktak Slope
  84. Yalnız Fırın Slope
  85. Balık Pazarı Slope
  86. Yeni Mahalle Slope
  87. Ağa Hamamı Slope
  88. Ağa Camii Slope
  89. Çukur Cuma Slope
  90. Kadıhane Slope
  91. Firuz Ağa Slope
  92. Defterdar Slope
  93. Uzun Odalar Slope
  94. Kazgancı Slope
  95. Deve Bağırtan Slope
  96. Hamam Slope
  97. Tavukçu Slope
  98. Eşek Bağırtan Slope
  99. Dolma Slope
  100. Yeni Slope
  101. Tuzcu Slope
  102. Arabacı Slope
  103. Süleymaniye Slope
  104. Tekye Slope
  105. Kışla Slope
  106. Bayıldım Slope
  107. Tüfenkhane Slope
  108. Dolmabahçe Slope
  109. Gümüşsuyu Slope
  110. Maçka Slope
  111. Kışlak Slope
  112. Küçük Çiftlik Slope

Slopes and Locations in Üsküdar - List 1

  1. Büyük Slope
  2. Deve Bağırtan Slope
  3. Menzilhane Slope
  4. Toptaşı Slope
  5. Ahmedoğlu Slope
  6. Acı Çeşme Slope
  7. Ağazade Slope
  8. Açık Türbe Slope
  9. Harem İskelesi Slope
  10. Aziz Mahmud Efendi Slope
  11. Eski Hamam Slope
  12. Kuşoğlu Slope
  13. Divitçiler Slope
  14. Solak Sinan Slope

Slopes and Locations in Üsküdar - List 2

  1. Sultan Tepesi
  2. İcadiye
  3. Selamsız
  4. Tekye Kapısı
  5. Bülbül Deresi
  6. Toygar Tepesi
  7. Çavuş Deresi
  8. Horse Bazaar
  9. İnadiye
  10. Top Taşı
  11. Nuh Kuyusu
  12. Yeni Mahalle
  13. Açık Türbe
  14. İhsaniye

Famous Locations, Streets, and Roads from Sütlüce to Dolmabahçe

  1. Sütlüce
  2. Halıcıoğlu
  3. Odalar Kapısı
  4. Bozhane
  5. Pîrî Paşa
  6. Fıstıklı
  7. Barımlı
  8. Lengerhane
  9. Arabacılar
  10. Beylik Selhhane
  11. Hasköy
  12. Cami Altı
  13. Doymaz Dere
  14. Dut Altı
  15. Kulaksız Bathhouse
  16. Emin Efendi Fountain
  17. Yeni Fountain
  18. Paşa Fountain
  19. Paşa Bathhouse
  20. Acı Fountain
  21. Zincirli Kuyu
  22. Ceviz Altı
  23. Emirdeci Bathhouse
  24. İncirli Bahçe
  25. Mastic Tree
  26. Yalnız Bakkal
  27. Tersane Kapısı
  28. İkindi Bazaar
  29. Sel Kapısı
  30. Cuma Bazaar
  31. Kasım Paşa Neighborhood
  32. Baş Hane
  33. Dört Kapı
  34. Debbağhane
  35. Grand Bathhouse
  36. Uzun Yol
  37. Uzun Yolda Akarca
  38. Dere Mahallesi
  39. Pehlivan Kapısı
  40. Türabî Baba Dervish Lodge
  41. Ciğerim Dede Dervish Lodge
  42. Small Bathhouse
  43. Karanlık Fountain
  44. Kutluk Mire
  45. Gizlice Evliya
  46. İplikçi Bathhouse
  47. Dere Bathhouse
  48. Sinekli Cypress Tree
  49. Aynalı Fountain
  50. Lonca Street
  51. Sipahi Bakery
  52. Mahmud Ağa Fountain
  53. Asmalı Mescid Fountain
  54. Yemenici Fountain
  55. Kıptî Neighborhood
  56. Cağaloğlu Fountain
  57. Çeşme Square in Galata
  58. Galata Court
  59. Yeşil Direkli Bathhouse
  60. Bat Bazaar
  61. Bezzazistan
  62. Yorgancılar
  63. Puslacılar
  64. Kürkçüler
  65. Mahkeme Bathhouse
  66. Zincirli Han
  67. Kurşunlu Han
  68. Çadır Hanı
  69. Yüksek Kaldırım
  70. Kemer Altı
  71. Karaköy Bathhouse
  72. Galata Bank Bazaar
  73. Pençşenbe Bazaar
  74. Haracî Street
  75. Street
  76. Yanık Kapı
  77. Kapalı Fırın
  78. Kapı İçi
  79. Kapı İçi Bathhouse
  80. Yelkenciler
  81. Fish Bazaar
  82. Debbağhane
  83. Tophane Çeşme Square
  84. Lüleciler
  85. Tophane Court
  86. Mahkeme Bathhouse
  87. Medrese
  88. Slave Bazaar
  89. Hendek
  90. Yazıcı Bathhouse
  91. Dört Yol Ağzı
  92. Tophane Önü
  93. Beyoğlu
  94. Çukur Cuma
  95. Bostanbaşı
  96. Boğazkesen
  97. Yeni Mahalle
  98. Ağa Bathhouse
  99. Firuz Ağa
  100. Tuesday Bazaar


  1. Saye


  1. Çınarlı Çeşme Gardens
  2. köprü Stream
  3. köprü Gardens
  4. arlı Fountain
  5. köprü Roads
  6. a Meadow
  7. lıkavak Fountain
  8. inedar Ağa Meadow
  9. e
  10. e
  11. emithane
  12. bey Village
  13. vish Lodge
  14. que
  15. shed


  1. Bağçeköy Road
  2. Burgaz Road
  3. Kapudan Paşa Meadow
  4. Kağıdhane Stream
  5. Burgaz Road
  6. Burgaz Road
  7. Kapudan Paşa Well
  8. Road to Beşiktaş, Kuruçeşme, Kasımpaşa, and Hasköy
  9. Bridge
  10. Windmill
  11. Taşköprü Road
  12. Kağıdhane Road
  13. Alibeyköy Road
  14. Mosque
  15. Beşiktaş and Kuruçeşme Road
  16. Beylikçi Efendi Farm
  17. Bridge
  18. İbrahim Efendi Farm
  19. Muhzırbaşı Farm


  1. Farm
  2. Rumeli Hisarı
  3. Fenar
  4. Şehidlik
  5. Katib Mosque
  6. Imperial Castle
  7. Nişantaşı
  8. Caulking Place
  9. Bebek Mosque
  10. Port
  11. Bebek
  12. Imperial Castle
  13. Bebek Police Office
  14. Sultan Pavilion
  15. Atiyye Sultan Mansion
  16. Vezir Pavilion
  17. Fountain
  18. Bathhouse
  19. Bathhouse Port
  20. Fountain
  21. Hisar Mosque
  22. Mosque
  23. Hisar Port
  24. Anadolu Hisarı
  25. Cemetery
  26. Küçüksu Meadow
  27. Fountain
  28. Mosque
  29. Imperial Castle
  30. Police Office
  31. Fountain
  32. Küçüksu
  33. Water Gauges
  34. Fountain
  35. Kandilli Port
  36. Kandilli Mosque
  37. Kandilli Cape
  38. Cemetery
  39. Fountain
  40. Fountain
  41. Saray Gardens
  42. Fountain
  43. Halil Paşa Palace
  44. Dalyan Port
  45. Cemetery
  46. Cemetery
  47. Halil Paşa Pavilion


  1. Meadow
  2. Prayer Place (Namazgah)
  3. Cemetery
  4. Fountain
  5. Göksu
  6. Fountain
  7. Bridge
  8. Police Office
  9. Fountain


  1. Küçükköy
  2. Arch
  3. Arch
  4. Beylikkeçe
  5. Fountain
  6. Arch


  1. Bastion
  2. Gardens
  3. Pool
  4. Saye Road
  5. Bridge (Cisr)
  6. Arable Field
  7. Yahyabey Farm
  8. Karadolap Gardens
  9. Vineyard
  10. Arable Fields
  11. Burgaz Road
  12. Fil Bridge
  13. Police Office
  14. Küçükköy Road
  15. Bridge
  16. Silahdar Ağa
  17. New Castle
  18. Library
  19. Silahdar Ağa Road
  20. Vineyard
  21. Kitchen
  22. New Bridge
  23. Cağaloğlu Meadow
  24. Arable Field
  25. Talimhane (Drill Field)
  26. Adalar (Princes’ Islands)
  27. Road to Alibeyköy
  28. Threshing Field
  29. Küpcüler
  30. İdris Köşkü Road
  31. Harvest Field
  32. Threshing Fields


  1. Water House
  2. Road to Beşiktaş and Kuruçeşme
  3. Arable Field
  4. Imperial Castle
  5. Imperial Palace
  6. Arable Field
  7. Cart Track
  8. Road to Kağıdhane
  9. Cart Track
  10. Kettancı Stream
  11. Farm


  1. Halil Paşa Port
  2. Fountain
  3. Fountain
  4. Vaniköy
  5. İcadiye Pavilion
  6. Vaniköy Mosque
  7. Bastion
  8. Winter Quarters
  9. Imperial Winter Quarters
  10. Fountain
  11. Hospital
  12. Mosque
  13. Kuleli
  14. Cemetery
  15. Mill
  16. Anbar Port
  17. Limekilns
  18. Vineyards
  19. Yeni Mahalle
  20. Fountain
  21. Mosque
  22. Fountain
  23. Mosque
  24. Hacı Ömer Mosque
  25. Fountain
  26. Çengelköy Mosque
  27. Akındı Burnu
  28. Mosque
  29. Police Office
  30. Church
  31. Arnavudköy Port
  32. Nişantaşı
  33. Mosque
  34. Bathhouse
  35. Kuruçeşme Post Office
  36. Kuruçeşme Port
  37. Nişantaşı
  38. Esmâ Sultan Mansion
  39. Etmekçioğlu Stream
  40. Etmekçioğlu Police Office


  1. Çiftli Road


  1. Küçükköy Road
  2. Ramî Farm Imperial Place for Wintering
  3. Farm


  1. Kırkağaç Gardens
  2. Threshing Fields
  3. Police Office
  4. Karaağaç
  5. Yusûf Efendi Garden
  6. Bademli
  7. Came
  8. Hasırcızade Dervish Lodge
  9. Şalope Shipyard
  10. Gülgüloğlu’s Garden
  11. Well
  12. Südlüce Mosque
  13. İbrahimhanzade Mansion
  14. Südlüce Port
  15. Çıksalın
  16. Mühendishane-i hümayun
  17. Warehouse
  18. Harmanbaşı Port
  19. Humbarhane Winter Quarters
  20. Warehouses
  21. Halıcıoğlu Port
  22. Gümüşhane
  23. Threshing Field
  24. Threshing Field
  25. Buzhane Port
  26. Pir Paşa Port
  27. Anchorage
  28. Dereağzı
  29. Threshing Field
  30. Sahilhane Port
  31. Büyük Port
  32. Camialtı Port
  33. Pavilion
  34. Post Office
  35. Warehouse
  36. Felahî Garden
  37. Fıstıklı
  38. Island
  39. Bahariye Meadow
  40. Bahariye Pavilion
  41. Bahariye
  42. Island
  43. Taşlıburun Port
  44. Island
  45. Şâh Sultan Port
  46. Şâh Sultan Mosque
  47. Post Office
  48. İdris Köşkü Neighborhood
  49. Gümüşsuyu
  50. Kaşgarî Dervish Lodge
  51. Spinning Mill
  52. İslam Bey Mosque
  53. Arable Fields
  54. Kasım Paşa Mosque
  55. Eskibeyler Bathhouse
  56. Farm
  57. Valide İmaret
  58. Valide Tomb
  59. Tomb
  60. Dökmeciler Mosque
  61. Sofiler Mosque
  62. Fountain
  63. Prayer Room
  64. Tomb
  65. Kızıl Prayer Room
  66. Leather Store (Debbağhane)
  67. Zal Mahmud Paşa Mosque
  68. Imperial Palace
  69. Kasım Paşa Mosque
  70. Feshane
  71. Defterdar Port
  72. Prayer Room
  73. Defterdar Mosque
  74. Nurullah Bey Mosque
  75. Vezir Dervish Lodge
  76. Baba Haydar Mosque
  77. Fountain
  78. Takyeci Mosque
  79. Aktürbe Mosque
  80. Dede Mahremi Mosque
  81. Topçular
  82. Topçular Mosque
  83. Cemetery
  84. Çamur Port
  85. Ya-vedud Port
  86. Ya-vedud Mosque
  87. Çınar Post Office
  88. Bathhouse Port
  89. Ayvansaray Port


  1. Road to Beşiktaş
  2. Hospital
  3. Road to Beşiktaş
  4. Hospital
  5. İncirlibağçe Stream
  6. Çobançeşmesi
  7. Road to Kasımpaşa and Kağıdhane
  8. Büyükdere Road
  9. Dolap Stream
  10. Sakızağacı Stream
  11. Cemetery for Non-Muslims
  12. Millet Hospital
  13. Catholic Church
  14. Church
  15. Cemetery
  16. İncirlibağçe
  17. Tersane cebehanesi
  18. Police Office
  19. Hacı Osman Efendi’s Garden
  20. Piyale Paşa Mosque
  21. Guslhane
  22. Dairy
  23. Tersane Hospital
  24. Sahaf Muslihiddin Mosque
  25. Taşköprü
  26. Hanımlar Garden
  27. Hacı Ahmed Mosque
  28. Çimşirli Dervish Lodge
  29. El-Hac Hüsrev Mosque
  30. Gardens
  31. Bedevi Dervish Lodge
  32. Police Office
  33. İplikçi Bathhouse
  34. Papaz Köprüsü
  35. Dere Bathhouse
  36. İbrahim Efendi Mosque
  37. Baş Hasan Efendi Mosque
  38. Küçük Piyale Mosque
  39. Kulaksız Mosque
  40. İbadullah Mosque


  1. Yıldız Mansion
  2. Police Office
  3. Church
  4. Valide Mansion
  5. Ortaköy Mosque
  6. Ortaköy Port
  7. Yıldız Köşkü Police Office
  8. Ihlamur
  9. Mansion
  10. Valide Farm
  11. Fountain
  12. Alem
  13. Yahya Efendi
  14. Police Office
  15. Hacı Hüseyin Ağa Mosque
  16. Rum Ali Mosque
  17. Uzunca Plain
  18. Police Office
  19. Bathhouse
  20. Asariye Mosque
  21. Maçka Winter Quarters
  22. Imperial Mansion
  23. Hazinedar Ağa Mosque
  24. Valide Police Office
  25. Police Office
  26. Police Office
  27. Fişnezade Mosque
  28. Sultan Süleyman Mosque
  29. Kılıç Ali Port
  30. Hibetullâh Sultan Mosque
  31. Haraccı Ağa Port
  32. Beşiktaş Port
  33. Çifte Vavlar
  34. Çinili Mansion
  35. Beşiktaş Sahilsaray-ı hümayunu
  36. Bathhouse
  37. Tekerlek Mosque
  38. Police Office
  39. Bayıldım Mansion
  40. Rifle Storage (Tüfenghane)
  41. Cavalry Winter Garden
  42. Tüfenghane Ferry
  43. Dolmabağçe Port
  44. Police Office
  45. Lumber Storehouse


  1. Defterdar Mosque
  2. Defterdar Burnu
  3. Dalyan Port
  4. Koyun Port
  5. Orchard
  6. Havuzbaşı Port
  7. Coffee House
  8. Havuzbaşı Square
  9. Fountain
  10. Vineyards
  11. Water Pump
  12. Fountain
  13. Seaside Residence of Mehmed Ali Paşa Hazretleri
  14. Gardens
  15. Fountain
  16. Beylerbeyi Mosque
  17. Fountain
  18. Police Office
  19. Araba Square
  20. Aralık Port
  21. Fountain
  22. Fountain
  23. Bathhouse Port
  24. Mosque
  25. Bathhouse
  26. Square
  27. Vineyards
  28. Cemetery
  29. Fountain
  30. Fountain
  31. Police Office
  32. Borders of Saray-ı hümayun
  33. Fountain
  34. Fountain
  35. Pool
  36. Orchards
  37. Police Office
  38. Gardens of Saray-ı hümayun
  39. Police Office
  40. Port
  41. Fountain
  42. Fıstıklı Prayer Room
  43. Fountain
  44. Fountain
  45. Tekye Square
  46. Atik cebehane
  47. Nakkaş Bastion
  48. Pool
  49. Fountain
  50. Police Office
  51. Police Office
  52. Kuzguncuk Port
  53. Kuzguncuk
  54. Fountain


  1. Arable Fields
  2. Vineyards
  3. Windmill
  4. Castle
  5. Fountain
  6. Büyük Çamlıca
  7. Fountain


  1. Davut Paşa Hospital
  2. Arable Fields
  3. Vineyard
  4. Arable Fields
  5. Fountain
  6. Inn
  7. Mosque
  8. Mosque
  9. Mansion
  10. Davut Paşa Winter Quarters


  1. Aynalıkavak Port
  2. Hezar Ferry
  3. Peksimethane
  4. Errehane
  5. Rolling Mill
  6. Lakoz
  7. Scaffold
  8. Büzme mahalli
  9. Ayvansaray Gate
  10. Arslan Port
  11. Otakcılar Mosque
  12. Mosque
  13. Mustafa Paşa Dervish Lodge
  14. Emir Buhari Dervish Lodge
  15. Cemetery
  16. Savaklar Mosque
  17. Eğri Port
  18. Cemetery
  19. Water Gauge
  20. Police Office
  21. Edirnekapısı
  22. Cemetery for Non-Muslims
  23. Orchard
  24. Cemetery
  25. Cemetery
  26. Orchards
  27. Topkapı
  28. Cemetery
  29. Takyeci Neighborhood
  30. Posta Road
  31. Prayer Place (Namazgah)
  32. Halıcıoğlu Port
  33. Hasköy Port
  34. Balat Port
  35. Balatkapısı
  36. Fenar Port
  37. Fenar Gate
  38. Petro Gate
  39. Sultan Selim Mosque
  40. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han Mosque
  41. Yenibağçe Meadow
  42. Karagümrük


  1. Ayaz Paşa Mosque
  2. Police Office
  3. Kazgancı Mosque
  4. Sorma-gir Mosque
  5. Sirkeci Mosque
  6. Şeyh Yunus Efendi Dervish Lodge
  7. Cihangir Mosque
  8. Süheyl Bey Mosque
  9. Salıpazarı Burnu
  10. Salıpazarı Port
  11. Kayıkhanele Port
  12. Temyurhane
  13. Dayezade Yusuf Efendi Mosque
  14. İlyas Çelebi Mosque
  15. Firuzağa Mosque
  16. Police Office
  17. Police Office
  18. Greek Church
  19. Police Office
  20. Ağa Mosque
  21. Nişantaşı
  22. Sultan Süleyman Mosque
  23. Defterdar Mosque
  24. Çukurcuma Bathhouse
  25. Nalıncı Mosque
  26. Gedik Abdi Mosque
  27. Emir Dervish Lodge
  28. Peşimaniye Mosque
  29. Prayer Room
  30. Surikoz (Seferikoz) Mosque
  31. Sirkeci Muslihiddin Mosque
  32. Zindan
  33. Tersane Mosque
  34. Maçuna altı
  35. Shipyard Area
  36. Yeni Fountain
  37. Kadı Mehmed Efendi Mosque
  38. Yeldeğirmeni Mosque
  39. Mekteb-i Bahriye
  40. Lumber Storehouse
  41. Lead Cellar
  42. Sergi Emini Pavilion
  43. Acıçeşme Mosque
  44. Dörtkuyu Bridge
  45. Tersanekapısı Bridge
  46. Kapıüstü Mosque
  47. Boathouse
  48. Tersane Kethudası Mosque
  49. Divanhane
  50. Hatab Port
  51. Mahkeme Bridge
  52. Seyl Gate
  53. Kasım Paşa Mosque
  54. Cumapazarı Bridge
  55. Süruri Bridge
  56. Tahtelkadı Mosque
  57. Mevlevihane Bridge
  58. Tahya Kethüda Mosque
  59. Karanlık Çeşme Mosque
  60. Kasım Paşa Mevlevihanesi
  61. Ruins of English Palace
  62. Kamer Hatun Mosque
  63. Işık Square
  64. Cemetery
  65. Greek Church
  66. Catholic Church
  67. Asmalı Prayer Room
  68. Catholic Church
  69. Dörtyol Ağzı
  70. Karakolhane
  71. Galata Mevlevihanesi
  72. Police Office
  73. Nalıncı Mosque
  74. Karanlık Prayer Room
  75. Dibekyokuşu Mosque
  76. Yazıcı Mosque
  77. Makaracıoğlu Mosque
  78. Büyük Kule Kapısı
  79. Police Office
  80. Galata Tower
  81. Küçük Kulekapısı Police Office
  82. Arab Mosque
  83. Galata Court
  84. Yeni Mosque
  85. Police Office
  86. Zahire Port
  87. Havuz-ı atik
  88. Havuz-ı cedid
  89. Police Office
  90. Cisr-i hayretiye
  91. Caulking Place
  92. Kürekçikapısı Port
  93. Yağkapanı Port
  94. Balıkpazarı Port
  95. Police Office
  96. Police Office
  97. Karaköykapısı Port
  98. Kurşunlu Storehouse
  99. Liman Ağası Pavilion
  100. Makaracı Port
  101. Customs
  102. Yenikapı Port
  103. Mumhanekapısı Port
  104. Eğrikapı Port
  105. Kireçkapısı Port
  106. Sergici Port
  107. Tophane Port
  108. İskele Prayer Room
  109. Topha[ne] Ferry
  110. Drill Field
  111. Armpoury
  112. Kılıç Ali Mosque
  113. Police Office
  114. Galata
  115. Karabaş Mustafa Çelebi Mosque


  1. Water Gauge
  2. Police Office
  3. Paşa Port
  4. Tekye Mosque
  5. Police Office
  6. Mansion
  7. Water Pump
  8. Vineyard
  9. Police Office
  10. Ayazma
  11. Bülbülderesi
  12. Saray Fountain
  13. Water Gauge
  14. Meadow and Swamp Area
  15. Police Office
  16. Beylik Warehouse
  17. Mihrümah Sultan Mosque
  18. Police Office
  19. Mumhane Port
  20. Fountain
  21. Büyük Port
  22. Yeni Mosque
  23. Balaban Port
  24. Kavak Port
  25. Büyük Bathhouse
  26. Eski Bathhouse
  27. Türbe Mosque
  28. Fountain
  29. Garden
  30. Şemsi Paşa
  31. Davut Paşa Mosque
  32. Gülfem Mosque
  33. Mehmed Paşa Mosque
  34. Police Office
  35. Cami-i Adlî
  36. Yeniçeşme
  37. Prayer Room
  38. Police Office
  39. Hüdâyî Aziz Mahmut Efendi Mosque
  40. Kapudan Paşa Mosque
  41. Ayaz Port
  42. Hamidiye Mosque
  43. Ayazma Mosque
  44. Süleyman Paşa Mosque
  45. Mirahor Mosque
  46. Ayazma Bathhouse
  47. Port
  48. Kızkulesi (Maiden’s Tower)
  49. Mosque
  50. Dervish Lodge
  51. Fountain
  52. Fountain
  53. Dervish Lodge
  54. Hüseyin Ağa Mosque
  55. Bostanhane
  56. Police Office
  57. Port
  58. Salacak Port
  59. Hadice Fatma Hatun Mosque
  60. Avni Ömer Efendi Mosque
  61. Police Office
  62. Kabataş Port
  63. Fındıklı Port
  64. Kalafat yeri
  65. Değirmen Port


  1. Fountain
  2. Mansion
  3. Jewish Cemetery
  4. Vineyards and Orchards
  5. Mansion
  6. Mansion
  7. Kerpiçhane
  8. İcadiye Fountain
  9. Police Office
  10. Tophanelioğlu Fountain
  11. Çinili Mosque
  12. Prayer Room
  13. Valide Sultan Mosque
  14. Süvari Winter Quarters
  15. Dervish Lodge
  16. Alacaminare Mosque
  17. Fontain
  18. El-Hac Ahmed Ağa Mosque


  1. Coffeehouse
  2. Hekimbaşı Mansion
  3. Cemetery
  4. Selami Dervish Lodge
  5. Fıstıklı Mosque
  6. Bulgurlu Village
  7. Fountain
  8. Police Office
  9. Water Gauge
  10. Kasr-ı hümayun
  11. Prayer Room
  12. Fountain
  13. Farm
  14. Küçük Çamlıca


  1. Fountain
  2. Road
  3. Arable Fields
  4. Vineyard
  5. Vineyard
  6. Fountain
  7. Vineyard
  8. Vineyard
  9. Fountain
  10. Vineyard
  11. Arable Fields
  12. Çınarlı Fountain
  13. Çödükçü Fountain


  1. Kıztaşı
  2. Small Langa
  3. Grand Langa Gardens
  4. Davud Paşa Port
  5. Ağa Meadow
  6. İsmail Paşa Vineyards
  7. Vineyards
  8. Seyyid Nizameddin Tomb
  9. Balıklı
  10. Söğüdaltı
  11. Cemetery
  12. Vineyards
  13. Mevlevihane
  14. Mevlevihane Gate
  15. Merkez Efendi Dervish Lodge
  16. Vineyards
  17. Vineyards


  1. Saray-ı hümayun Borders
  2. Bağçekapısı Port
  3. Vezir Port
  4. Bağçekapısı
  5. Yeni Mosque
  6. Süleymaniye Mosque
  7. Bab-ı müşiri
  8. Şehzade Mosque
  9. Laleli Mosque
  10. Langa Yenikapısı
  11. Yenikapı Port
  12. Sandık Burnu
  13. Port
  14. Stony Place (Taşlık)
  15. Kumkapı Port
  16. Sultan Bayezit Mosque
  17. Osmaniye Mosque
  18. Cinci Square
  19. Kadırga Port
  20. Çatladıkapı
  21. Sultanahmet Mosque
  22. Ahurkapı
  23. Ahur Square
  24. At Meydanı
  25. Dikilitaş
  26. Burmalıtaş
  27. Mıknatıslıtaş
  28. Bab-ı Âli
  29. Sirkeci Port
  30. Yalı Mansion
  31. Yalı Köşkü Gate
  32. Temyurkapı
  33. Post Office
  34. Sarayburnu
  35. Topkapı
  36. Mosque
  37. Değirmen Gate
  38. Bâb-ı hümayun
  39. Fish Market
  40. Balıkhanekapısı
  41. Gülhanekapısı


  1. Port
  2. Karaca Ahmed Sultan Tomb
  3. Sultan Osmân Mosque
  4. İhsaniye Port
  5. Prayer Room
  6. Fountain
  7. Dervish Lodge
  8. Selimiye Mosque
  9. Tahir Efendi Mosque
  10. Selimiye Winter Quarters
  11. Police Office
  12. Harem Port
  13. Cavalry Stables
  14. Talimhane Square
  15. Mehmed Paşa Mansion
  16. Leather store (Debbağhane)
  17. Fountain
  18. Mosque
  19. Kavak Port


  1. Poorhouse (Miskinhane)
  2. Meadow
  3. Rifle Storage (Tüfenghane)
  4. Cemetery
  5. Stable
  6. Saraclar Fountain
  7. Ammunition (Cebehane)
  8. Post Office
  9. İbrahim Ağa Neighborhood
  10. İbrahim Ağa Meadow
  11. Mosque
  12. Fountain
  13. Kasr-ı hümayun
  14. Ayrılık Fountain


  1. Uzunçayır
  2. Bastion
  3. Kurbağalı Stream
  4. Koru-ı hümayun
  5. Fountain
  6. Promenade (Seyir mahalli)


  1. Military Drill Field
  2. Veli Efendi Fountain
  3. Arable Fields
  4. Vineyard
  5. Armenian Stapelia
  6. Zeytunburnu
  7. Vineyard
  8. Road to Baruthaneye


  1. Kumkapı Plain
  2. Samatya Port
  3. Narlıkapı
  4. Kapalı kapı
  5. Greek Hospital
  6. Ermeni İstapalyası (Stapelia)
  7. Vineyards
  8. Yedikule Port
  9. Bucakbağı Vineyards
  10. Mermer Tower
  11. Kaf Tower
  12. Stores of Girders (Kirişhaneler)
  13. Port
  14. Beylik Slaughterhouse (Selhane)
  15. Mosque
  16. Police Office
  17. Cemetery
  18. Kazlıçeşme
  19. Mosque
  20. Lots for Leather Stores
  21. Bathhouse


  1. Prayer Place (Namazgah)
  2. Haydar Paşa
  3. Police Office
  4. Haydar Paşa Port
  5. Safa Fountain
  6. Port
  7. Cemetery
  8. Bridge
  9. Police Office
  10. Stable
  11. Water Pump
  12. Darüssade Ağa Fountain
  13. Bathhouse
  14. Kapıağası Mosque
  15. Kadıköy
  16. Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa Fountain
  17. Greek Church
  18. Kadıköy Port
  19. İskele Mosque [III. Mustafa Mosque]
  20. Ömer Efendi Fountain
  21. Armenian Church
  22. Fountain
  23. Prayer Room
  24. Şam Kapıkethüdası Meadow
  25. Port
  26. Şerif Paşa Mansion


  1. Bridge
  2. Farm


  1. Moda Burnu
  2. Port
  3. Cemetery
  4. Port
  5. Pool
  6. Fenarbağçesi
  7. Mansion
  8. Lighthouse


  1. Kalamış Well



  1. Rumeli Feneri Fortress
  2. Kale Zabitanı Mansions
  3. Örgetaşı
  4. Rumeli Feneri
  5. Papazburnu Bastion
  6. Well


  1. Compass


  1. Karibçe Fortress
  2. Zabitan Mansions
  3. Karibçe Port
  4. Hasan Paşa Fortress
  5. Hamsi Port
  6. Çalıcaburnu
  7. Büyük Port
  8. Büyük Liman Fortress
  9. Zabitan Mansions


  1. Headland
  2. Anadolu Feneri Fortress
  3. Lighthouse
  4. Fountain
  5. Poyraz Fortress
  6. Fountain
  7. Mosque
  8. Harab Fortress
  9. Fountain
  10. Poyraz Limanı
  11. Fener Road


  1. Magrimros?
  2. Fish Cabin
  3. Fenced Bastion
  4. Rumelikavağı
  5. Rumelikavağı Fortress
  6. Dikilitaş


  1. Filburnu Fortress
  2. Mosque
  3. Port
  4. Fishery
  5. Balıkçı Fortress
  6. Çayağzı
  7. Manastırağzı
  8. Hacıağzı
  9. Port
  10. Anadolukavağı Fortress


  1. Bağçeköy
  2. Bend-i Mezkurların Arches


  1. Hünkar Water
  2. Fındık Water
  3. Büyükdere
  4. Büyükdere Port


  1. Piyade Port
  2. Telli Bastion
  3. Mines
  4. Kestane suyu
  5. Defneburnu
  6. Pilavkaya
  7. Yeni Mahalle
  8. Sarıyer
  9. Harem Port
  10. Mezarburnu Bastion
  11. Bağçeönü
  12. Macar Fortress
  13. Bağçe Port
  14. Südlüce
  15. Sığlık
  16. Limekilns
  17. Umudyeri


  1. Yaros Fortress
  2. Anadolukavağı
  3. Kavak Port


  1. Büyükdere Port
  2. Police Office
  3. Küpcü Brothels
  4. Büyükdere Meadow
  5. Büyükdere Gardens
  6. Kefeli Village
  7. Büyükdere Gardens
  8. Dairy
  9. Well


  1. Meadow
  2. Pool
  3. Maslak
  4. Nişantaşı
  5. Selviburnu
  6. Sığlık
  7. Port
  8. Port
  9. Police Office
  10. Port
  11. Ferry
  12. Gardens
  13. Ağaçaltı Bastion
  14. Kireçburnu Bastion
  15. Shipyard for International Ferries
  16. Tarabyaaltı


  1. Mosque
  2. Akbaba Sultan Tomb
  3. Akbaba Village
  4. Pools
  5. Tokad Village
  6. Gardens
  7. Gardens
  8. Kağıdhane Meadow
  9. Kasr-ı hümayun
  10. Fountain


  1. Mosque
  2. Dereseki Village
  3. Wall
  4. Karakulak Fountain


  1. Yalnızmizan and Police Office
  2. Yalnızterazü


  1. Sedd
  2. Port
  3. Fountain
  4. Tarabyaburnu
  5. Tarabya
  6. Tarabya Bay
  7. Mopsque
  8. Stone
  9. Kasr-ı hümayun
  10. Hospital
  11. Kalenderburnu
  12. Kalenderbağçesi
  13. Kasr-ı hümayun
  14. Sığlık
  15. Köybaşı Bastion
  16. Yeniköy Port


  1. Fountain
  2. Cemetery
  3. Mosque
  4. Cemetery
  5. Yalı Köyü
  6. Port
  7. Cemetery
  8. Court
  9. Mosque
  10. Fountain
  11. Prayer Room
  12. Beykoz Port
  13. Beykoz Village
  14. Sultaniye Meadow
  15. Sultaniye Port
  16. Wall
  17. Fountain
  18. Bridge


  1. Farm
  2. Mud Cooking Places
  3. Windmill
  4. Windmill
  5. Maslak
  6. Police office
  7. Windmill
  8. Farm


  1. Windmill
  2. Keresteci Port
  3. Farm
  4. Farm
  5. Salih Paşa Mosque
  6. Bathhouse Port
  7. İstinyeburnu Police Office
  8. Çavuşbaşı Meadow
  9. Dalyan
  10. Caulking Place
  11. İstinye Gulf
  12. Port
  13. Çamur Port
  14. Gürcü Mosque
  15. Şah Süleyman Mosque
  16. İstinye Gardens
  17. Belt Store
  18. Well
  19. Winter Quarters
  20. Cemetery
  21. Tokmakburnu
  22. Mirgun
  23. Mosque
  24. Police Office
  25. School
  26. Port
  27. Çakalburnu
  28. Police Office
  29. Fountain


  1. Bathhouse
  2. Port
  3. Mosque
  4. İncir Köyü
  5. Paşabahçe
  6. Paşabahçe Port
  7. Mosque
  8. Pool
  9. Tanyard
  10. Port
  11. Cemhane
  12. Windmill
  13. Windmill
  14. Port
  15. Fishery
  16. Well
  17. Pool
  18. Fountain
  19. Port
  20. Çubuklu Meadow


  1. Kanlikavak Stream
  2. Dairy


  1. Gardens
  2. Maslak
  3. Adalık Port
  4. Kanlıcık
  5. İskender Paşa Mosque
  6. Bathhouse
  7. Bathhouse Port
  8. Mosque
  9. Fountain
  10. Saib Paşa Mansion
  11. Kanlıcık Gulf
  12. Boyacı Village
  13. Baltalimanı
  14. Police Office
  15. Baltalimanı Meadow
  16. Kasr- Hümayun
  17. Şetyanakıntısı
  18. Port
  19. Mosque
  20. Molla Fenari Mosque


  1. Kavacık
  2. Pool


1 For instance see Mustafa Sevim (editor), Gravürlerle Türkiye: İstanbul/Turkey in Gravures: Istanbul, III vol., Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı, 1996.

2 Ayşe Kubilay Yetkin, İstanbul Haritaları 1422-1922, Istanbul: Denizler Kitabevi, 2010. Also see the article of the same writer in the “Topography” section of this book “Batı Kaynaklı Haritalarda İstanbul”.

3 Coşkun Yılmaz, “Minyatürlerde Osmanlı Şehirleri”, International Konya Symposium, 13-15 November 2014 Konya, unpublished paper. For the visual resources of Ottoman urban history see, Kathryn A. Ebel, “Osmanlı Şehir Tarihinin Görsel Kaynakları”, translated by N. Bilge Özel, TALİD, 2005, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 487-515.

4 Fikret Sarıcaoğlu, “Harita [Osmanlı Dönemi]”, DİA, XVI, 210-216.

5 IÜ Nadir Eserler Ktp., TY, no. 5964. For the importance of the plan within the history of the city see, Doğan Kuban, İstanbul : Bir Kent Tarihi: Bizantion, Konstantinopolis, İstanbul, Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2010, pp. 282-287.

6 İÜ Nadir Eserler Ktp., FY, no. 1404; TSMK, B. 200.

7 TSMK, H.1523.

8 For the oldest Istanbul plans see, Kitâb-ı Bahriye, TSMK, Revan, no. 1633, 434a. For an evaluation and comparison of these plans, see İdris Bostan, Beylikten İmparatorluğa Osmanlı Denizciliği, Istanbul: Kitap yayınevi, 2006, pp. 147-153; Cevat Ülkekul, Pîrî Reis ve Türk Kartograflarının Çizgileriyle XVI., XVII. ve XVIII. Yüzyıllarda İstanbul, Istanbul: Boyut, 2013. For the Istanbul depictions in the manuscripts of Kitâb-ı Bahriye to be dated, evaluation of the monuments and names that appear on the plans is of great importance.

9 For miniatures depicting Istanbul, see the following chapter in the Culture, Art, and Literature section of this work: Zeren Tanındı, “İstanbul Sarayının Resim Hazinesinden: Osmanlı Sanatında Minyatür”.

10 For the print and information of this map, see Fikret Sarıcaoğlu and Coşkun Yılmaz, Müteferrika : Basmacı İbrahim Efendi ve Müteferrika Matbaası/ Basmacı İbrahim Efendiand the Müteferrika Press, Istanbul: Esen Ofset, 2012, pp. 317-318.

11 For the map and information about it, see Pîrî Reis’ten önce ve Sonra: Topkapı Sarayı’ndan Haritalar, Istanbul: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Müdürlüğü, 2013.

12 İÜ Nadir Eserler Ktp., Harita, no. 92760-92761. For a print of the map see A. Yaşar Koçak et. al. (editors), Sultan II. Abdülhamid Devri Harita ve Planlarında İstanbul, Istanbul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür A.Ş., 2013. pp. 43-46. A copy of the same map is available in the archive of M. Sinan Genim. This map, which was prepared by the students of Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun (the Imperial School of Naval Engineering) in 27 Rabi’al-awwal 1261/6 June 1845, is made in two sections. The southern section has 42 parts and measures 1894 × 1510. The northern section is the same size and has 48 parts. The existence of this map shows that the same map was duplicated every other three months by Mühendishane.

13 Distances on the map are measured in zirâ-i Osmânî. For information on zirâ see Mehmet Erkal, “Arşın”, DİA, III, 411-413.

14 Semavi Eyice also said of the map, dated 1264/1847–1848 and prepared by the students of Mühendishane-i Berriyye-i Hümayun (the Imperial School of Naval Engineering) and titled Map of Istanbul Mosques: “This map, which in a sense was the first city map of this big city and was prepared by Turks, is a valuable document. However, the first map in this sense is the map dated 1261/1845, prepared by the students of Mühendishane, which is the subject of this study; it has a much larger scale than the one Semavi Eyice mentioned and covers a wider area. The map that Semavi Eyice studied is print and is 77 × 73 with a single section. This map lists the names of 425 mosques as well as the names of some other buildings, places, and neighborhoods. Based on the traits the two maps have in common, it could be argued that the later map used the earlier map as a reference. When the records of these two maps are compared, however, it can be seen that they are different works. On the record of the second map are written the following sentences: “Darü’s-saltanatü’s-seniyye yani Âsitâne-i sa’adet-âsiyâne’nin dâhil-i surda ka’in sarây-i hümâyûn hududu ve Bâbiâlî ve Bâb-i seraskerî ve karakolhâneler ve cevâmi-i serife mevâki-i meshûre ve bi’l-cümle turûk-i âmm- i sânîyenin ve tarafeyninde ka’in iskelelerin harita-i mevziyyesidir ki bu defa Mühendishane-i Beriyye-i Hümâyûn cânibinden bi’l-hendese mesâha olunarak ahz-i tersîm ile mühendishâne-i mezbûr litografya destgâhinda tab ü temsîl olunmustur. [This is the location map indicating the places inside the walled city of the Supreme Sultanate, the borders of the sultan’s palace, the buildings of the Sublime Porte and the Supreme Military Command, police offices, mosques, famous locations, secondary main roads, and the ports on both sides of these roads that are located that is Istanbul. It is drawn by Mühendishane-i Berriyye-i Hümayun with geometrical measures and printed on the lithography press of the same engineering school.]” Recorded by Semavi Eyice with the revision of spelling and proofreading, see Eski İstanbul’dan Notlar, Istanbul: Küre Yayınları, 2009, pp. 54-56.

15 For comparison, see footnote 2.

This article was translated from Turkish version of History of Istanbul with some editions to be published in a digitalized form in 2019.